

Southern Regional College
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AS / A Levels

A Levels, offered mainly in the Armagh Campus have a long historical tradition of producing excellent results and SRC is proud to offer opportunities that reflect modern lifestyles and flexible learning. Listed below are options for you to choose from. 2014/15 A Level flyer

New Learners

This is the traditional model for students who are currently sitting GCSEs and wish to study an A Level programme full-time. From the table below you can select one subject from each column only. Students traditionally select three AS courses from the table but there is the further option of a fourth AS choice which is subject to specific further entry requirements listed below. Please note tha…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Physics, Applied Chemistry, and Cartography.

AS / A Levels

A Levels, offered mainly in the Armagh Campus have a long historical tradition of producing excellent results and SRC is proud to offer opportunities that reflect modern lifestyles and flexible learning. Listed below are options for you to choose from. 2014/15 A Level flyer

New Learners

This is the traditional model for students who are currently sitting GCSEs and wish to study an A Level programme full-time. From the table below you can select one subject from each column only. Students traditionally select three AS courses from the table but there is the further option of a fourth AS choice which is subject to specific further entry requirements listed below. Please note that return learners and part-time students can also select from this package.

How long is the course?

'AS' Level - 1 year, 5 hours per subject per week.
'A' Level - 2 years, 5 hours per subject per week.

AS Level subject selection grid -2014-15

A B C D 1 Biology Chemistry Art and Design Biology 2 Business Studies English Literature Chemistry Business Studies 3 History Geography Mathematics Economics 4 ICT ICT Physics English Literature 5 Mathematics Sociology Psychology History 6 Sociology Religious Studies Psychology 7

Select only one subject per column

Repeat A2 Learners

Repeat A2 Learners subject selection grid -2014-15

A B C D 1 Business Studies Biology Biology Business Studies 2 Chemistry History Geography Chemistry 3 English Literature Mathematics History English Literature 4 Religious Studies Physics ICT ICT 5 Psychology Psychology Sociology Mathematics 6 Sociology 7

A2 level subject selection grid, 5 hours per week for a2 module & one year intensive business studies and Photography, 6 hours per week covering all modules, select only one subject per column..

This option is for students who have completed their entire A Level programme and feel they need to enhance their grades in one or more subjects for higher education progression. Students opting for this package must have studied a complete A Level programme prior to application. The only exceptions to this are Business Studies and Photography (Intensive AS & A2) which can be taken in one year.

Blended Learners

TThis package offers a choice of A Levels to learners who wish to study in a part-time and flexible environment. Blended learning is suited for adult learners or learners seeking to enhance their grades.
Students who attend a blended learning programme will attend a tutorial every fourth week and use the College's virtual learning environment programme called Moodle. Moodle is a software package that facilitates distance learning and allows students to have full access to their course from home. Blended learning is a mixture of direct tutor contact and online learning with the tutor through the Moodle programme who will assist and direct students virtually. Students will receive a complete induction package for this programme and advice about what is needed on their home computers. The selection for this programme of study is listed in Table below.

How long is the course?

As RE, English and History
1 year, 5 hours per subject per week (two hours per week will be directed virtual learning)

As & A2 Business Studies & Law
1 year, 6 hours per subject per week (three hours per week will be directed virtual learning)

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