BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering

Isle of Man College
Logo Isle of Man College

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What is the Course About?

Duration 2 years

This course is designed to provide a broad base in Engineering in the first year and then allow the student to specialise in their chosen discipline in the second year. This choice will be with applications in Electrical/Electronic or Manufactoring/Mechanical Engineering. The course will provide an excellent route for students wishing to pursue a career in any discipline within Engineering, or for those who wish to go onto higher education at a UK university.
What Subjects will I study?

Health & Safety
Engineering Drawing /CAD
Computer Aided Design
Business Operations in Engineering
Communication for Technicians
Mechanical Principles/Further Mechan…

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What is the Course About?

Duration 2 years

This course is designed to provide a broad base in Engineering in the first year and then allow the student to specialise in their chosen discipline in the second year. This choice will be with applications in Electrical/Electronic or Manufactoring/Mechanical Engineering. The course will provide an excellent route for students wishing to pursue a career in any discipline within Engineering, or for those who wish to go onto higher education at a UK university.
What Subjects will I study?

Health & Safety
Engineering Drawing /CAD
Computer Aided Design
Business Operations in Engineering
Communication for Technicians
Mechanical Principles/Further Mechanical Principles
Mathematics for Technicians/Further Mathematics
Computer-Aided Manufacture/Engineering Secondary & Finishing Techniques
Engineering Materials/Engineering Primary Forming Processes
Programmable Controllers
Electrical & Electronic Principles/Further Electrical Principles

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