Sport (Outdoor Adventure) BTEC Diploma
Starting dates and places
This is a practical, work-related course, ideal if you want to pursue a career in the sport, fitness and recreation industry, perhaps at an outdoor adventure centre or team building camp/centre, or go on to study a degree in outdoor adventure.
Course Code: A0096 Minimum Age: 16 Course Length: One year (possibility to top up with a second year) Course Schedule: 3/4 days a week depending on timetabling Entry Requirements:You will require:
A minimum of 4 GCSE's at C grade, or
A BTEC First Diploma in a related subject at Merit level, or
Equivalent qualification at the appropriate level
Core Skills:The course is made up of units that equal 120 credits (7 core units worth 60 credits an…
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This is a practical, work-related course, ideal if you want to pursue a career in the sport, fitness and recreation industry, perhaps at an outdoor adventure centre or team building camp/centre, or go on to study a degree in outdoor adventure.
Course Code: A0096 Minimum Age: 16 Course Length: One year (possibility to top up with a second year) Course Schedule: 3/4 days a week depending on timetabling Entry Requirements:You will require:
A minimum of 4 GCSE's at C grade, or
A BTEC First Diploma in a related subject at Merit level, or
Equivalent qualification at the appropriate level
Core Skills:The course is made up of units that equal 120 credits (7 core units worth 60 credits and and additional 6 specialist units worth anoth 60 credits):
The core units are:- Principles of Anatomy and Physiology in Sport
- The Physiology of Fitness
- Assessing Risk in Sport
- Fitness Training and Programming
- Leadership in Sport
- Principles and Practices in Outdoor Adventure
- Equipment and Facilities for Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
The specialist units that may be studied include (if not studied, they could be studied in the top-up year):
Skills for Land-based Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
Skills for Water-based Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
Impact and Sustainability in Outdoor Adventure
Environmental Education for Outdoor Adventure
Outdoor and Adventurous Expeditions
Alternative Pursuits for Outdoor Adventure
Organising Sports Events
Sport as a Business
Assessment:Modules will draw on different assessment strategies which will include written assignments/logbooks, practical activities/observations, presentations (group/individual), end of module tests, peer group assessments.
All units are internally assessed and either a pass, merit or distinction can be achieved in each unit. To achieve a ' pass ' grade a students must have satisfied all of the 'pass' assessment crite ria. To achieve a ' m erit' a student must additionally have satisfied all the 'merit' assessment criteria, and in turn addition 'distinction' criteria to achie ve a 'distinction' for a unit.
All students will be encouraged to achieve a minimum of 'merit' grades to help with their progression.
Academic Progression:By successfuly completing the Diploma in Sport (Outdoor Adventure) you can apply to progress onto the Extended Diploma in Sport (Outdoor Adventure) - progression consitions apply as with other BTEC Sport courses:
- Completion of BTEC Diploma in Sport (Outdoor Adventure) to minimum of Merit standard
- End of year attendance of at least 85%
- Clean disciplinary record
Should you not wish to top-up to the Extended Diploma, there are other Level 3 courses that might appeal depending on you career thoughts, plus you could progress onto a degree in sport at university or here at college in the following areas:
Sport, Health and ExerciseSports Studies
Leisure Management
Recreation Management
Outdoor Adventure
Teacher Training
At college we offer a Foundation Degree in Sport, Health and Exercise and a BSc (Hons) in Applied Sport, Health and Exercise.
Career Progression:You could go and work within the outdoor adventure industry in the following areas:
Outdoor Education/Adventure Centres
Leisure Centres
The BTEC Extended Diploma comprises of 19 units of work which is the equivalent of 3 'A' Levels.
Additional study (home based study) will be required to complete the course and this is a minimum of 15 hours per week.
Costs:There will be a cost for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), approx. £250. If students already participate in outdoor activities and have some of their own PPE, as long as the course leader is happy with its suitability then students can use their own.
There will also be an additional cost for trips throughout the course, details of which will be provided by the course leader as soon as possible. This can be discussed at interview.
Please contact the Advice Shop for details of costs and start dates.
Please note that although the information given is believed to be correct at the time of publication, course information, costs where applicable and attendance details may change.
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