Exotic Animal Care Course Level 2
Exotic Animal Care course: This home learning collegecourse in Exotic AnimalCare is a must for any student looking to move into caring or working with Exotic Animals. This very rewarding but demandingdistance learning course will offeryou everything required to enhance your career or help you make massive strides if considering entering this line of work. One of the most popular courses on offer from the UK Open College continues to create massive interest year after year.Enjoy the benefits and flexibilityOpen Learning brings. See details below for our Certificate in Exotic Animal Care course..
This course provides students with a thorough and comprehensive learning experience. This course f…
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Exotic Animal Care course: This home learning
collegecourse in Exotic AnimalCare is a must for
any student looking to move into caring or working with Exotic
Animals. This very rewarding but demandingdistance learning course
will offeryou everything required to enhance your career or help
you make massive strides if considering entering this line of work.
One of the most popular courses on offer from the UK Open College
continues to create massive interest year after year.Enjoy the
benefits and flexibilityOpen Learning brings. See details below for
our Certificate in Exotic Animal Care course..
This course provides students with a thorough and comprehensive
learning experience. This course focuses completely on Exotic
Animal Care and Husbandry. This course covers behaviour, habitat,
husbandry and diet for each species, recognising that the majority
of medical problems in keeping exotics are due to a lack of
species-specific information. Common diseases for each species are
discussed at length, from the perspective of providing nursing
care, and recognising signs of health problems. This course also
covers essential information for anyone working with exotics in a
clinical setting including: injection sites, administration of
medication, anaesthesia, restraint and handling.
Print info here
Course fees:£229.00 if paid in full
Pay monthly option: £60 Deposit followed by 5 monthly payments of
£50.00. (Total fees of £310.00) Call in for guaranteed payment
Full-colour photographs enhance text and help readers identify
species by colour
Complex scientific material is presented in an organised,
easy-to-understand format
Units can be reviewed out of sequence, allowing students to
customise course to meet their needs
Entry requirements:
Good news! There are no previous qualifications required to
register for this course. This course presumes no prior
Duration:This course will take approximately 120 hours to
complete. All students have one year from the date of enrolment.
Students can complete quicker than a year if required.
Assessment method:
This course is completed using continual assessment. Assignments
are completed and assessed continually as you progress. This will
allow student support to monitor your progress every step of the
way. All assignments are required to be submitted via email or
postthroughout your course.
No examination is necessary
All students on this course can email student support with any
questions they may have. Monday-Friday
Provided materials
Course manual
A4 Folder
Document holder
Plain paper
Unlimited support Monday- Friday during office hours
This course comes complete in a college study bag allowing you to transport it and study anywhere. Real flexibility!
Course syllabus:
The course consists of the following eight Units: There is a
tutor marked assignment at the end of each unit.
Click for sample assignment questions.
Unit one:
Introduction to Exotic Animals as Pets /
After completing this module you should be familiar with CITES,
know what species are covered under CITES and be familiar with the
laws that protect exotic pets.
Zoonotic Diseases
After completing this module you should be able to define
zoonosis, be familiar with how zoonotic diseases are contracted and
spread. Students will also learn how to incorporate safety
procedures in handling and housing exotics and become familiar with
exotic pets that have a higher risk of transmitting diseases.
Unit two:
Introduction to small mammals
After completing this module the student should be able to explain
what a eutherian is, explain what a metatherian is and explain what
a monotrome is. Student should also be able to descrine what
herbivores, carnivores and omnivores eat.
After completing this unit the student student should be able to
properly house a ferret, Provide appropriate client education to
new owners, know what vaccines to give and the vaccine schedule.
Students should also be able to provide basic nursing care, assist
in theanaesthesiaof a ferret and demonstrate appropriate restraint
After completing this unit the student student should be able to
properly house a rabbit, Provide appropriate client education to
new owners, know what vaccines to give and the vaccine schedule.
Students should also be able to provide basic nursing care, assist
in theanaesthesiaof a rabbit, demonstrate appropriate restraint
techniques and identify the sex of a rabbit.
Guinea Pigs
After completing this unit the student student should be able to
properly house a Guinea Pig, Provide appropriate client education
to new owners, know what vaccines to give and the vaccine schedule.
Students should also be able to provide basic nursing care, assist
in the anaesthesia of a guinea pig, demonstrate appropriate
restraint techniques and provide a correctdiet.
After completing this unit the student student should be able to
properly house a chinchilla and provide appropriate client
education to new owners. Students should also be able to provide
basic nursing care, assist in the anaesthesia of a chinchilla,
demonstrate appropriate restraint techniques and provide a
After completing this unit the student student should be able to
properly house a hedgehog and provide appropriate client education
to new owners. Students should also be able to provide basic
nursing care, assist in the anaesthesia of a hedgehog, demonstrate
appropriate restraint techniques and provide a correctdiet.
After completing this unit the student student should be able to
properly house a Degu and provide appropriate client education to
new owners. Students should also be able to provide basic nursing
care, assist in the anaesthesia of a Degu, demonstrate appropriate
restraint techniques and provide a correctdiet.
Hamsters and Gerbils
After completing this unit the student student should be able to
properly house a hamster or gerbil and provide appropriate client
education to new owners. Students should also be able to provide
basic nursing care, assist in theanaesthesiaof a hamsters and
gerbils, demonstrate appropriate restraint techniques and provide a
Rats and Mice
After completing this unit the student student should be able to
properly house a rat or mouse and provide appropriate client
education to new owners. Students should also be able to provide
basic nursing care, assist in the anesthasia of rats and mice,
demonstrate appropriate restraint techniques and provide a
Short Tailed Opossums
After completing this unit the student student should be able to properly house a short tailed opposum and provide appropriate client education to new owners. Students should also be able to provide basic nursing care, assist in the anaesthesia of a short tailed oppopsum, demonstrate appropriate restraint techniques and provide a correctdiet.
Sugar Gliders
After completing this unit the student student should be able to
properly house sugar gliders and provide appropriate client
education to new owners. Students should also be able to provide
basic nursing care, assist in the anesthasia of a sugar glider,
demonstrate appropriate restraint techniques and provide a
Unit 3
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to properly
house a companion bird with the appropriate cage size, perches and
toys, provide appropriate client education to new bird owners,
provide a proper diet for different species of companion birds.
Students should also be able to provide basic nursing and emergency
care, provide nutritional support to an ill bird through tube
feeding, assist in the anaesthesia of a bird and demonstrate
appropriate restraint techniques.
Unit 4
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to properly
house common reptile species, provide appropriate client education
to new reptile owners, provide a proper diet for different species
kept as pets. Students should also be able to provide a proper diet
for different species, provide basic nursing care, provide
appropriate temperature and humidity and identify potential
problems with inappropriate housing, restraint and diet.
Unit 5
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to properly
house common amphibian species, provide appropriate client
education to new reptile owners, provide a proper diet for
different species kept as pets. Students should also be able to
provide a proper diet for different species, provide basic nursing
care, provide appropriate temperature and humidity and identify
potential problems with inappropriate housing, restraint and
Unit 6 Scorpions
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to properly
house a scorpion, provide appropriate client education to new
reptile owners and provide a proper diet for a scorpion. Students
should also be able to identify anatomical organs and demonstrate
appropriate safe handling techniques when working with
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to properly
house a tarantula, provide appropriate client education to new
reptile owners and provide a proper diet for a scorpion. Students
should also be able to identify anatomical organs and demonstrate
appropriate safe handling techniques when working with
Hermit Crabs
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to properly
house a hermit crab, provide appropriate client education to new
reptile owners and provide a proper diet for a scorpion. Students
should also be able to identify anatomical organs and demonstrate
appropriate safe handling techniques when working with hermit
Unit Seven
Alpacas and Llamas
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to properly
house alpacas/llama, provide appropriate client education to new
owners and interpret the body language of an alpaca. Students will
also be familiar with the common vaccines available and when to
administer them, provide basic nursing care to alpacas and provide
appropriate restraint techniques for common procedures
Unit Eight Miniature Pigs
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to properly
house miniature pigs, provide appropriate client education to new
owners, be familiar with the common vaccines available and when to
administer them, provide basic nursing care to miniature pigs and
provide appropriate restraint techniques for common procedures
without causing too much stress and anxiety.
Exotic Animal Care AwardAll successful students
will be awarded the UK Open College Certificate in Exotic Animal
Care. This award is an independent college award from the UK open
college for successful completion. Once completed successfully each
student will receivetheir certificate from the collegeproving their
skills and knowledge in this rewarding field. Add this to your
completed folder of courswork and impress anypotential employer.
Your certificate will give you theself belief and confidence to
progress further with your studies orhelp make inroads to getting
that job you have always
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