Mathematics and Further Mathematics AS/A Level


Mathematics and Further Mathematics AS/A Level

St brendan's sixth form college
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Curriculum Area: Maths and Computing

Mathematics and Further Mathematics AS/A Level

This course is for students who have gained a A or A* at GCSE Mathematics. Taught across 2 subject blocks and leads to A Level Mathematics after one year and Further Mathematics A level at the end of year two.

  • Core topics in: Algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, numerical methods and methods of proof.
  • Statistics applications includes: probability, descriptive statistics, correlation and regression and probability distributions.
  • Mechanics application includes: motion, collisions, forces, vectors, kinematics, dynamics and statics.
  • Decision mathematics application includes: linear programming, network fl…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Further Mathematics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Engineering Mathematics, and C/C++.

Curriculum Area: Maths and Computing

Mathematics and Further Mathematics AS/A Level

This course is for students who have gained a A or A* at GCSE Mathematics. Taught across 2 subject blocks and leads to A Level Mathematics after one year and Further Mathematics A level at the end of year two.

  • Core topics in: Algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, numerical methods and methods of proof.
  • Statistics applications includes: probability, descriptive statistics, correlation and regression and probability distributions.
  • Mechanics application includes: motion, collisions, forces, vectors, kinematics, dynamics and statics.
  • Decision mathematics application includes: linear programming, network flows, route analysis and critical path analysis.

Year 1

C1 Core (Pure) Mathematics C2 Core (Pure) Mathematics S1 Statistics M1 Mechanics or S2 Statistics

Advanced Level (A2)

C3 Core (Pure) Mathematics C4 Core (Pure) Mathematics

Year 2

Advanced Subsidiary (AS)

D1 Decision Mathematics FP1 Further Pure Mathematics

Advanced Level (A2)

FP2 Further Pure Mathematics S2 Statistics M2 Mechanics

Plus one choice from the following

D2 Decision Mathematics S3 Statistics M3 Mechanics FP3 Further Pure Mathematics

Methods of Teaching and Learning

The course is taught by well qualified and experienced staff. Teaching methods include exposition and practice sessions, together with some discussions, problem solving, investigations and practical work. Students are expected to do a substantial amount of revision and practice outside the classroom, and workshop support is available for students needing additional help.

Methods of Assessment

The AS course is assessed by three written examinations taken in January of the first year. The A level course is assessed by three further written examinations taken in June of the first year. The Further Mathematics course is assessed by six examinations in the second year. There is no assessed ‘coursework’ element in any of these courses.


Appropriate textbooks are provided on loan for the duration of the course, and practical equipment is made available as necessary. The College library is well stocked with Mathematics books, and students are encouraged to use IT resources as appropriate. Students are expected to provide their own scientific calculators.


AS/A Level Use of Mathematics is accepted (with other subjects) as an appropriate qualification for entry to almost any career or degree course. The subject is particularly recommended for those intending to go on to study Mathematics, Engineering, Computing or the Physical Sciences.

Entry Requirements

Five GCSEs at grade C or above or the equivalent including GCSE English plus GCSE Mathematics at grade A or A*


There are no specific charges in connection with these courses, except for the purchase of a calculator if necessary.

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