Engineering BTEC Subsidiary Diploma Level 3

Engineering BTEC Subsidiary Diploma Level 3

Redgar & Cleveland College
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Engineering BTEC Subsidiary Diploma Level 3 Course Details Units include: Health & Safety in the Engineering Workplace. Electrical and Electronic Principles. Mathematics for Engineering Technicians. Properties and Applications of Engineering Materials. Engineering Drawing for Technicians. Principles and Applications of Electronic Devices and Circuits. A Course for This Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Engineering gives further choice to employers and students to gain a qualification that will meet a more specific/specialist need within the diverse engineering sector. This course is suitable for those who want to achieve a level 3 qualification in engineering over one academic year. E…

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Engineering BTEC Subsidiary Diploma Level 3 Course Details Units include: Health & Safety in the Engineering Workplace. Electrical and Electronic Principles. Mathematics for Engineering Technicians. Properties and Applications of Engineering Materials. Engineering Drawing for Technicians. Principles and Applications of Electronic Devices and Circuits. A Course for This Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Engineering gives further choice to employers and students to gain a qualification that will meet a more specific/specialist need within the diverse engineering sector. This course is suitable for those who want to achieve a level 3 qualification in engineering over one academic year. Entry Requirements Four GCSEs grade C or above, preferably including Mathematics or Science or Level 2 BTEC Diploma in Engineering. Assessment Continuous summative assessment. Learning Outcome Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Engineering. Progression after Programme BTEC Diploma or Higher National Certificate. ALL FEES ARE SUBJECT TO REVIEW PLEASE REFER TO PART TIME PROSPECTUS FACTFILE AttendancePart Time Duration1 year Starting17/09/2013 LocationCorporation Road TimetableTuesday 09:00-20:00 Course TutorNeil Walker Revision DateMay 2013 DivisionEngineering
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