I want to attain a Social Worker Degree through a (distance/on-line) employment based learning course at Open University

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What do you want to learn, change or accomplish?

I want to study for a social worker degree through a (distance/on-line) employment based learning course at open University.

Why are you interested in this?

I have many attributes and the vocation for that field, and I would like to continue working as a project/support officer in a local authority, housing association or charity whilst engaged in my own self-learning that will lead to achievement of a career as a social worker, in which I can use all my potential to make a positive and substantial difference in the life of other people with a vulnerable background.

How do you want the course or program to be set up?

I made already a research about the course, programme, financial support and requirements for sponsoring employers which can be obtained through the following website: www.Open.ac.uk/socialwork thanks Sincere regards

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