BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science (level 3)


BTEC Extended Diploma in Applied Science (level 3)

New College Telford
Logo New College Telford

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This course is designed to enable you to:

Develop scientific knowledge, understanding and skills

Understand and appreciate the role of the science technician

Develop practical skills in the laboratory

Use ICT and numerical methods to present and interpret data

· Progress to a wide range of opportunities such as BTEC Higher Nationals and other HE qualifications or employment

Is it for me?

This course is equivalent to 3 A Levels. If you’re keen to study the basics of physics, chemistry, biology and maths, alongside working in a laboratory in a science based environment, then this course is for you.

The qualification is taught over two years and is made up of 19 units of study. It is d…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Science, Software / System Engineering, English (FCE / CAE / CPE), Teaching Skills, and Biology.

This course is designed to enable you to:

Develop scientific knowledge, understanding and skills

Understand and appreciate the role of the science technician

Develop practical skills in the laboratory

Use ICT and numerical methods to present and interpret data

· Progress to a wide range of opportunities such as BTEC Higher Nationals and other HE qualifications or employment

Is it for me?

This course is equivalent to 3 A Levels. If you’re keen to study the basics of physics, chemistry, biology and maths, alongside working in a laboratory in a science based environment, then this course is for you.

The qualification is taught over two years and is made up of 19 units of study. It is designed to provide a balance across the three sciences maximising progression opportunities. The course involves 13.5 hours of lesson time each week.

What’s involved?

The course is built up of 19 Units over the two years as shown below:

Chemistry (4), Biology (4), Physics (4), Maths (2), Combined Science (2) and Integrated Units

Examples of Units:

· Unit 2 – Using observations of our own labs, visit to Morris Oils and Glaxo’s Virtual Lab - students design a lab in terms of its facilities and their positions, also research lab information systems.

· Unit 4 – Analytical methods, sampling techniques, preparation of substances, measurement of yield

· Unit 11 – Taking physiological measurements and then explaining how body systems are integrated - could be in the context of exercise physiology or onset of disease.

· Unit 15 – Identification and culturing of micro-organisms

Entry Requirements:

A minimum of 4 GCSEs at grades A* to C, with:

Grade C or above in Maths and English Language - grade D is accepted in one of these but you will need to retake that GCSE

2 GCSEs in Science/Applied Science (at grade C or above).


Level 2 Diploma/Extended Certificate/OCR National Award/Certificate at Merit grade

Which course go well with this?

This course can be combined with one AS Level or GCSE Maths/English Language if required.


Potential future occupational areas include: Analytical Chemistry, Forensic Science, Pathology, Clinical Sciences, Pharmacy, Waste Management, Zoology and many more. Students who succeed on the course could follow a degree course in science or take up employment in laboratory work, health care or many others.

What’s involved? The course is built up of 19 Units over the two years as shown below: Chemistry (4), Biology (4), Physics (4), Maths (2), Combined Science (2) and Integrated Units Examples of Units Unit 2 – Using observations of our own labs, visit to Morris Oils and Glaxo’s virtual lab, students design a lab in terms of its facilities and their positions. Also research lab information systems. Unit 4 – Analytical methods, sampling techniques, preparation of substances, measurement of yield. Unit 11 – Taking physiological measurements and then explaining how body systems are integrated. Could be in the context of exercise physiology or onset of disease. Unit 15 – Identification and culturing of micro-organisms. Entry Requirements: A minimum of 4 GCSEs at grades A* to C, with:

grade C or above in Maths and English Language - grade D is accepted in one of these but you will need to retake that GCSE

2 GCSEs in Science/Applied Science (at grade C or above)


Level 2 Diploma/Extended Certificate/OCR National Award/Certificate at Merit grade

Which course go well with this? This course can be combined with one AS Level or GCSE Maths/English Language if required. Progression: Potential future occupational areas include: Analytical Chemistry, Forensic Science, Pathology, Clinical Sciences, Pharmacy, Waste Management, Zoology and many more. Students who succeed on the course could follow a degree course in science or take up employment in laboratory work, health care or many others.
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