Environmental Studies FAST TRACK A Level

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Environmental Studies FAST TRACK A Level

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Environmental Studies FAST TRACK A Level

The Environmental Studies specification enables students to gain an insight into the environment, and the scientific processes that control and affect it. The central theme is the development of an understanding of how different events and cycles within the environment interrelate, how they influence subsequent environmental events, the human impacts on these events and cycles, and the strategies that can be used to minimise the problems caused.

This is a complete revision of the AQA GCE Environmental Studies specification.

The AS course is divided into two units, the first of which is divided into 4 topics, and the second of which is divided into 3 t…

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Environmental Studies FAST TRACK A Level

The Environmental Studies specification enables students to gain an insight into the environment, and the scientific processes that control and affect it. The central theme is the development of an understanding of how different events and cycles within the environment interrelate, how they influence subsequent environmental events, the human impacts on these events and cycles, and the strategies that can be used to minimise the problems caused.

This is a complete revision of the AQA GCE Environmental Studies specification.

The AS course is divided into two units, the first of which is divided into 4 topics, and the second of which is divided into 3 topics. All of the topics will require reference to the textbook and selected websites. At the end of each topic is a set of key words. After studying the topic you should be able to give the meaning of each of these words. At the end of each topic there is a tutor-marked assessment which, when completed, should be sent to your tutor.

Environmental Studies is an interdisciplinary subject covering different branches of science and geography and there is much terminology that is associated with the subject. You are expected not only to recognise and understand these terms in examination papers, but use them correctly in your answers. If you have problems remembering terms it is a good idea to write them on index cards as you go along and use these to help you learn them.

Each unit of the course corresponds to the examination unit. The topics may be of different length and difficulty.

At the end of each topic is a tutor marked assignment. This course covers all the content of the AQA AS Environmental Studies units AS-ENVS1 and AS-ENVS2. You can find the full syllabus for this course on the AQA website.


Throughout the course you will require the following textbook which is specifically written for the syllabus that you are following. While the material covered in the book matches that in the course, you will need access to both in order to fully understand the concepts and terminology of biology. This book will be essential for your course.

AQA A Level Environmental Studies Student book by Richard Genn (2008) Published by Nelson Thornes ISBN-10: 1408513900 ISBN-13: 978-1408513903

This course builds from the knowledge gained in a range of GCSE science subjects, including GCSE Environmental Studies, although its study is not essential to undertake the A Level course. Some knowledge of biology or other GCSE Science subjects or Geography would be useful, so you may find the following books useful for revision.

AQA Science GCSE Science Students Book by Ann Fullick, Patrick Fullick, J Breithaupt, Lawrie Ryan (2006) Published by Nelson Thornes ISBN-10: 0748796347 ISBN-13: 978-0748796342

Understanding GCSE Geography: For AQA Specification A (Understanding GCSE Geography) by Ann Bowen and John Pallister (2006) Published by Heinemann Educational Publishers; 3Rev Ed edition ISBN-10: 0435351710 ISBN-13: 978-0435351717

Practical Work

Students are not required to submit an internally assessed environmental studies investigation. However, it is expected that candidates should carry out investigative activities, appropriate to the study of a range of environmental systems and the way in which they influence and affect each other. They should carry out extensive, appropriate practical work wherever possible, out in the environment. Integral to each unit is the development and use of practical skills relevant to the study of the environment; such as the planning and carrying out of investigations, the interpretation of data and the comprehension of relevant environmental texts.

The A2 course is divided into two units, each of which is divided into a number of topics. All of the topics will require reference to the textbook and selected websites. At the end of each topic is a set of key words. After studying the topic you should be able to give the meaning of each of these words. Each topic has a tutor-marked assessment which, when completed, should be sent to your tutor.

Environmental Studies contains a lot of scientific terminology that is associated with the subject. You are expected not only to recognise and understand these terms in examination papers, but use them correctly in your answers. If you have problems remembering terms it is a good idea to write them on index cards as you go along and use these to help you learn them.

Each unit of the course corresponds to the examination unit. The topics have been arranged for ease of understanding and topic coverage so may be of different length and difficulty. Note that the numbering of the modules and the topics continues from the AS course. You will need to study them in sequence.

At the end of each topic is a tutor marked assignment.  


Throughout the course you will require the following textbook which is specifically written for the syllabus that you are following. While the material covered in the book matches that in the course, you will need access to both in order to fully understand the concepts and terminology of biology. This book will be essential for your course.

AQA A Level Environmental Studies Student book by Richard Genn (2008) Published by Nelson Thornes ISBN-10: 1408513900 ISBN-13: 978-1408513903

The A2 material follows on directly from the AS material. The course assumes that you have some knowledge of science of a level that you might have gained from a GCSE course in science subjects or of Geography.

Practical Work

Students are not required to submit an internally assessed environmental studies investigation. However, it is expected that candidates should carry out investigative activities, appropriate to the study of a range of environmental systems and the way in which they influence and affect each other. They should carry out extensive, appropriate practical work wherever possible, out in the environment. Integral to each unit is the development and use of practical skills relevant to the study of the environment; such as the planning and carrying out of investigations, the interpretation of data and the comprehension of relevant environmental texts.

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