Environmental Studies AS/A2


Environmental Studies AS/A2

Aquinas College
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The Environmental Studies specification enables students to gain a deep and well-informed insight into the science of the environment and the various processes that control and affect it.  The central theme is the development of an understanding of how different events and cycles within the environment interrelate, how they influence subsequent environmental events, the human impacts on these events and cycles and the strategies both scientific and political that can be used to minimise the problems causes.  Key aspects within the specification include areas such as ‘Wildlife Conservation’, ‘Pollution’, ‘Global Climate Change’ and ‘Sustainability’.

How will the course be assessed?
Exams wi…

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The Environmental Studies specification enables students to gain a deep and well-informed insight into the science of the environment and the various processes that control and affect it.  The central theme is the development of an understanding of how different events and cycles within the environment interrelate, how they influence subsequent environmental events, the human impacts on these events and cycles and the strategies both scientific and political that can be used to minimise the problems causes.  Key aspects within the specification include areas such as ‘Wildlife Conservation’, ‘Pollution’, ‘Global Climate Change’ and ‘Sustainability’.

How will the course be assessed?
Exams will be in January and June.
There is no coursework associated with this subject but practical and field work skills will be assessed as part of the written exam.

Course Outline
4 units: 2 for AS and 2 for A2 level:

AS Level
2 modules externally assessed through written examinations

Unit 1: The Living Environment  conditions for life on earth, wildlife conservation and land resources), 40% of AS.
Unit 2: The Physical Environment (the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere), 60% of AS).

A2 Level
2 modules externally assessed through written examinations

Unit 3: Energy Resources and Environmental Pollution (energy and pollution), 50% of A2.
Unit 4: Biological Resources and Sustainability (human populations, food production and fishing, forestry and sustainability), 50% of A2).

Lessons will be a mixture of theory, ILT, laboratory based practical activities and field work. There will also be a number of visits at both AS and A2 to enhance your learning, including a  3 day group activities residential field trip to Wales, cost approx £160. The emphasis of the course is on a scientific approach to the study of the environment. It can be studied alongside any other A level course but is particularly well supported by Biology, Geography, or Geology. For those wishing to study just one Science, Environmental Studies is ideal as it is both broad based and challenging. During your studies you will have the opportunity to develop your analytical and problem solving skills whilst improving your communication and debating skills through group work, research and class presentations.

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