AS and A2 Environmental Studies

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AS and A2 Environmental Studies

Andover College
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Level: Level 3

Environmental Studies involves the scientific study of how the environment supports us, how we threaten these support systems and strategies for a more sustainable lifestyle. An ideal course for students who have an interest in environmental and ethical issues covering wildlife, conservation, and our impacts on the environment. Students should have a sound scientific background and be willing to think synoptically to connect up the different strands of the course.

We undertake a number of field trips and excursions including:

  • Marwell Wildlife Conferences
  • Trinley Estate agricultural visit
  • Sparsholt College: conservation and fisheries facilities
  • Dorset coastal and sand dune fie…

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Level: Level 3

Environmental Studies involves the scientific study of how the environment supports us, how we threaten these support systems and strategies for a more sustainable lifestyle. An ideal course for students who have an interest in environmental and ethical issues covering wildlife, conservation, and our impacts on the environment. Students should have a sound scientific background and be willing to think synoptically to connect up the different strands of the course.

We undertake a number of field trips and excursions including:

  • Marwell Wildlife Conferences
  • Trinley Estate agricultural visit
  • Sparsholt College: conservation and fisheries facilities
  • Dorset coastal and sand dune field work
  • Great Bustard Project – Salisbury Plain
  • TARCA – practical conservation

A Levels and Access to HE (44)

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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.