Ancient History (Full AS+A2) A Level
Ancient History (Full AS+A2) A Level
NCC Home Learning are pleased to offer the opportunity to study to AS and A2 the Ancient History A-level course as specified by OCR. The A-level has several aims:
- To give a knowledge and understanding of the Greek and Roman ancient world through direct study of original sources
- To encourage and develop an enthusiasm for the Greek and Roman ancient world
- To give candidates the chance to form their own personal responses to the set texts chosen for study
- To further and enhance their historical analytical and evaluative skills through critical source examination and understanding of good historical method.
Students are strongly recommended to familiarise …
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Ancient History (Full AS+A2) A Level
NCC Home Learning are pleased to offer the opportunity to
study to AS and A2 the Ancient History A-level course as specified
by OCR. The A-level has several aims:
- To give a knowledge and understanding of the Greek and Roman ancient world through direct study of original sources
- To encourage and develop an enthusiasm for the Greek and Roman ancient world
- To give candidates the chance to form their own personal responses to the set texts chosen for study
- To further and enhance their historical analytical and evaluative skills through critical source examination and understanding of good historical method.
Students are strongly recommended to familiarise themselves with the OCR specification for the A-level GCE in Ancient History. The document can be downloaded as a pdf file, alongside further student support and assessment materials at:
The OCR A-level in Ancient History is divided into four units. These are:
OCR Advanced Subsidiary (AS-level) in GCE Classics: Ancient History (H042)
Unit AH1 (Entry Code F391) Option 1: Athenian Democracy in the fifth century BC
The principal focus of this unit is the handling of original sources as an historian. Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of the nature of historical evidence; the methods used by historians in analysis and evaluation including the problem of reliability and a selection of original source material in its context. Candidate should be able to demonstrate interpretation, analysis and evaluation of the sources in context.
The literary sources:
Aristophanes, Acharnians – 1–203, Wasps – 891–1008, Knights –
147–395 Constitution of the Athenians 21.1–22.6, 23.4f, 22.5
Herodotus, 5.66, 5.69 The Old Oligarch
Plato, Apology 17cd, 34bc
Plutarch, Nicias, 11.1–6
Thucydides 2. 35–46, 65; 4.26–30
Xenophon, Recollections 3.7.6 (ARD 128)
Xenophon, History of Greece, 1.7 (ARD 325)
Candidates must be prepared to answer commentary questions on passages taken from any of the material prescribed above. In studying the original sources, candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of: the nature and distinctiveness of ancient Athenian democracy; the nature and level of participation in the democratic system (including critiques of this system) by the population of Attica, including citizens, women, metics and slaves; the workings of the assembly (ekklesia), the council (boule), and the role and function of magistrates (archons) and generals (strategoi) and ostracism; courts and their role in democracy; the role and significance of prominent individuals (Cleisthenes, Perikles, Ephialtes, Cleon), as represented in the sources and the importance of rhetoric and public speaking for leadership in Athens.
Unit AH2 (Entry Code F392) Option 3: Britain in the Roman Empire
The principal focus of this unit is the handling of original sources as an historian. Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of the nature of historical evidence; the methods used by historians in analysis and evaluation including the problem of reliability and a selection of original source material in its context. Candidate should be able to demonstrate interpretation, analysis and evaluation of the sources in context.
The literary sources:
Caesar, Gallic War 4.20–38; 5. 8–23
Cicero, Letters to Atticus, 4.15.10, 4.16.7, 4.18.5
Dio, 49.38.2, 53.22.5, 53.25.2, 55.23.2, 55.23.3, 55.23.5,
59.25.1–3, 60.19.1– 60.22.2, 60.23.1–60.23.6, 60.30.2,
62.1.1–62.3.4, 62.7.1–62.9.2, 62.12.1–62.12.6
Horace, Odes, 1.35.29–30, 3.5.1–4
SHA (Scriptores Historriae Augustae), Hadrian 5.1–5.2, 11.2,
Antoninus Pius, 5.4
Strabo, Geography 2.5.8, 4.5.1–4
Suetonius, The Deified Julius, 25.125.2, 47;Caligula, 44.2,
46.1;Claudius, 13.2, 17.1–17.3, 21.6, 24.3; Nero, 18,
39.1;Vespasian, 4.1–4.2
Tacitus, Agricola
Tacitus, Annals 2.24, 11.19, 12.23, 12.31–40, 14. 29–39
Tacitus, Histories 1.2, 1.9, 1.59–60, 2.66, 3.44–45
Tibullus, 3.7.147–150
The archaeological sources:
Gold stater of Tincommius (Van Arsdell 375)
Gold stater of Tasciovinius (Van Arsdell 1780)
Silver coin of Eppillus (Van Arsdell 415)
Gold stater of Verica (Van Arsdell 520)
Gold stater of Cunobelinus (Van Arsdell 2025)
Gold coin of Cunobelius (Van Arsdell 2095)
Aureus of Claudius (RIC Claudius 9 = BMC Claudius 32)
Sestertius of Hadrian (RIC Hadrian 845)
Longinus Sdapeze (RIB 201)
Dannicus (RIB 108)
Sex. Valerius Genialis (RIB 109)
Rufus Sita (RIB 121)
M Favonius Facilis (RIB 200)
Julius Classicanius, procurator (RIB 12)
T. Valerius Pudens (RIB 258)
C. Calventius Celer (RIB 475)
Titus Pontius Sabinus (ILS 2726)
Arch of Claudius (ILS 216)
Mendip lead pig (RIB 2.1.2404.1)
Chester lead water-pipe (RIB 2.3.2434.1)
Verulamium forum inscription (JRS 46 146–7)
Commemorative tablet from York (RIB 665)
Altars to Neptune and Oceanus (RIB 1319 and 1320)
Milecastle 38 building inscription (RIB 1638)
Halton Chesters dedication slab (RIB 1427)
Vindolanda tablet military strength report (Tab. Vindol. 2.154)
Vindolanda tablet about British cavalry (Tab. Vindol. 2.164)
Candidates must be prepared to answer commentary questions on passages taken from any the material prescribed above. In studying the original sources, candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of: Roman views of pre-conquest Britain: Caesar’s invasions, Celtic societies and links with Rome up to AD 43; Claudius’ invasion and the early conquest period, to c. AD 60 – resistance and co-operation; Boudicca’s Rebellion and its aftermath; Expansion north under Agricola and earlier governors of Britain; Frontier policy from Agricola to Antoninus Pius and the withdrawal back to Hadrian’s Wall, c. AD 160; Roman views of British economy and society after AD 43, as represented by the sources.
OCR Advanced level (A-level) in GCE Classics: Ancient History (H442)
Unit AH3 (Entry Code F393) Option 3: The culture of Athens 449-399 BC
This unit builds on the skills that candidates have acquired in AS Units F391 and F392. Candidates will be expected to use the skills they have acquired in handling original sources at AS level and refer to these sources where appropriate. The principal focus of this unit is on the investigation of historical themes through the evaluation and interpretation of original sources in context. Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of the nature of historical evidence; the methods used by historians in analysis and evaluation including the problem of reliability and a selection of original source material in its context. Candidate should be able to demonstrate interpretation, analysis and evaluation of the sources in context.
The thematic focus of this option is the cultural and intellectual life of fifth century Athens. Candidates will be expected to have read a selection of appropriate original sources on the following topics, and to refer to them in supporting their answers: the changing intellectual climate in Athens, including rhetoric, the Sophists and Socrates; dramatic festivals and the theatre, including tragedy and comedy; religious festivals and sanctuaries; Athenian views of themselves and non-Athenians, including citizens and non-citizens, women and children; and art and architecture in their political and social contexts.
The appropriate secondary sources will be discussed further in the study materials.
Unit AH4 (Entry Code F394) Option 3: Ruling the Roman Empire 14-117 AD
This unit builds on the skills that candidates have acquired in AS Units F391 and F392. Candidates will be expected to use the skills they have acquired in handling original sources at AS level and refer to these sources where appropriate. The principal focus of this unit is on the investigation of historical themes through the evaluation and interpretation of original sources in context. Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of the nature of historical evidence; the methods used by historians in analysis and evaluation including the problem of reliability and a selection of original source material in its context. Candidate should be able to demonstrate interpretation, analysis and evaluation of the sources in context.
The thematic focus of this option is Rome’s relations with the provinces of the empire. Candidates will be expected to have studied a range of original sources on the following topics, and to refer to them in supporting their answers: attitudes to imperial rule in the eastern and western provinces, including active resistance and the maintenance of local or regional identities; the social and economic effects on provinces of incorporation within the Empire, including the question of ‘Romanisation’; the differing image of the emperor in the eastern and western provinces, including the imperial cult; the governance and administration of the Empire including the role of senators, equestrians and the army and frontier and defensive policies within the Empire.
The appropriate secondary sources will be discussed further in the study materials.
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