A' Level Classical Civilisation (AS and A2)

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A' Level Classical Civilisation (AS and A2)

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Course Description

This A' Level Classical Civilisation Course is ideal for anyone wishing to gain a knowledge and understanding of this subject or for anyone who wishes to study at a higher level at University. You will also find this course extremely valuable if you are looking for a progression route for further training whilst employed.

On this course you will study four units:

AS Level

Classification Code: H041

Unit 1:  Homer's Odyssey and Society (Exam Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes)
Unit 2: Greek Tragedy in its Context (Exam Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes)

A2 Level

Classification Code: H441

Unit 3: Art and Architecture in the Greek World (Exam Duration: 2 hours)
Unit 4: Virgil and the W…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Classical Civilisation, Classics, Humanities, Religion, and Theology.

Course Description

This A' Level Classical Civilisation Course is ideal for anyone wishing to gain a knowledge and understanding of this subject or for anyone who wishes to study at a higher level at University. You will also find this course extremely valuable if you are looking for a progression route for further training whilst employed.

On this course you will study four units:

AS Level

Classification Code: H041

Unit 1:  Homer's Odyssey and Society (Exam Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes)
Unit 2: Greek Tragedy in its Context (Exam Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes)

A2 Level

Classification Code: H441

Unit 3: Art and Architecture in the Greek World (Exam Duration: 2 hours)
Unit 4: Virgil and the World of the Hero (Exam Duration: 2 hours)

Previous Knowledge Required

It is recommended that students should be educated to GCSE Grade C or equivalent and have a reasonable standard of literacy. You have the freedom to start the course at any time and continue your studies at your own pace for a period of up to 18 months from initial registration with the full support of your Tutor.


You will have dedicated Tutor Support for 18 months. All assignments are marked by one of our professional Tutors who will offer regular feedback and guide you through your course. You must have access to email in order to contact your Tutor.

You will be provided with the telephone number for your dedicated Student Support Team who will be available for any other queries that you may have whilst completing your course. You can be assured that you will receive unlimited support for your home study course, so there is no need to struggle or feel isolated during your studies.


The course contains a number of assignments which your tutor will mark and give you valuable feedback on. You will also have access to quizzes to help you gauge your progress.

Students will be required to arrange and pay for their examinations at an OCR approved centre. We can provide an extensive list of these centres for you.

Check out our website for any relevant offers and voucher codes http://www.learnnow.org.uk/

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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.