Environmental Studies A level
This home study course brings a scientific approach to the study of the environment, helping you to learn more about the management of the Earth's environmental resources.
Components and/or options
- Environmental Studies A2
- Environmental Studies AS
If you want to learn more about the management of environmental resources on Earth, this distance learning A level course brings a scientific approach to the study of the environment. There are lots of opportunities for practical work and fieldwork, most of which can be carried out in the home and your local area.
- better understand the interactions between the environment and the organisms living within it
- learn about social a…
Frequently asked questions
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This home study course brings a scientific approach to the study of the environment, helping you to learn more about the management of the Earth's environmental resources.
Components and/or options
- Environmental Studies A2
- Environmental Studies AS
If you want to learn more about the management of environmental resources on Earth, this distance learning A level course brings a scientific approach to the study of the environment. There are lots of opportunities for practical work and fieldwork, most of which can be carried out in the home and your local area.
- better understand the interactions between the environment and the organisms living within it
- learn about social and ethical issues involved in the use of, and demand for, water and energy
- understand how conflicts of interest can arise between farmers, conservationists and consumers
- develop an understanding of relevant scientific methods through practical work and fieldwork
Topics include
- Unit 1: The living environment
- Unit 2: The physical environment
- Unit 3: Energy resources and environmental pollution
- Unit 4: Biological resources and sustainability
Entry requirements and hours of study
- GCSE Science (Double Certification), GCSE Biology, GCSE Geography, or GCSE Environmental Science - minimum Grade C; or Intermediate GNVQ Science; or a BTEC First in Science.
- You should allow 150 hours of study for the AS and 150 hours for the A2, plus extra time for completing assignments.
AQA, Full A level:2440, AS:1441, A2:2441
Recommended texts
You will need to buy the following essential textbook:
- AQA Environmental Studies for AS and A2 (student book), ISBN: 978 1 4085 1390 3 published by Nelson Thornes
No coursework. Two exams for the AS, 1hr worth 60 marks and 1hr30mins worth 90 marks. Two exams for the A2, 1hr30mins worth 80 marks and 2hrs worth 80 marks.
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