BCS-ISEB Foundation - Green IT


BCS-ISEB Foundation - Green IT

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Anyone involved in procurement, provision, support, and delivery of Information Technology.

Anyone with an interest in how IT can assist an individual or organisation reduce their carbon emissions and output.

Individuals who have the responsibility of delivering an organisation's Green initiatives, IT or otherwise.

Every organisation now faces the challenge of providing cost effective quality services, against a background of economic downturn, volatile energy costs and an obligation to the environment to reduce its carbon footprint. These organisations are also increasingly looking towards its IT / IS group to lead the way and assist the organisation to realise its objectives to becoming gr…

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Anyone involved in procurement, provision, support, and delivery of Information Technology.

Anyone with an interest in how IT can assist an individual or organisation reduce their carbon emissions and output.

Individuals who have the responsibility of delivering an organisation's Green initiatives, IT or otherwise.

Every organisation now faces the challenge of providing cost effective quality services, against a background of economic downturn, volatile energy costs and an obligation to the environment to reduce its carbon footprint. These organisations are also increasingly looking towards its IT / IS group to lead the way and assist the organisation to realise its objectives to becoming greener.

There is a common consensus across all industry sectors that organisations have a responsibility to cut their carbon dioxide emissions if the effects of climate change are to be addressed. The IT community is in a prime position to lead their organisations in achieving this requirement.

Whether it is by implementing simple efficiencies such as encouraging companies to utilise their IT assets for longer or more complex remedies such as server virtualisation, IT can lead the way in helping deliver an organisation's green credentials.

This foundation course provides first level guidance as to how organisations can achieve these goals.

The course will cover subjects such as: Green IT regulations, legislation and policy
How to identify and baseline your organisation's current Green IT credentials
How to move forward in delivering greener IT

Other subjects covered in the course include:
Understanding the definition of "Green IT"Identify the political, environmental, social and legal drivers for Green IT
Identify an organisation's internal drivers for change
Understand the practicalities of energy efficiencies
Explain the business benefits of adopting a Green IT strategy

By the end of the course, the delegates will have a fundamental understanding of the importance of IT when trying to achieve an organisation's green objectives and will have the ability to put together an action list to identify their own Green IT requirements, and address them.

The Definition of Green IT

Key Factors Driving Green IT
- Political- Environmental
- Social
- Legal
- Business Benefit of adopting Green IT

Value of Green IT
- Economic Value- Marketing Value

Green IT Regulations, Legislation and Polices
- European Union Code of Conduct- The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE)
- BSi PAS 2050
- Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT)
- Ecma International
- Kyoto Protocol

Where Is Your Organisation Now?
- Auditing Current Business Practices

End to End Costing
- Total Cost of Ownership- Calculate the Payoff Period of Investments in Green IT

Measuring Emissions and Energy Efficiencies

Carbon Energy Accounting

Calculate your Carbon Footprint
- Personal Carbon Accounting Models- Carbon Off-setting
- Carbon Neutrality

Improve Your Organisation's IT Credentials

Common Components of Creating a Green IT Action Plan

Practicalities of Greening you Organisation
- Printing and recycling- Energy efficient computing
- Home working
- Virtualization to support Green IT
- Deviceless end-user services
- Server consolidation and utilisation
- Green Buildings

Procurement, Lifecycle, and Disposal Planning
- How to Procure Green IT- How to Deliver Green IT
- How to Install Green IT
- How to Maintain Green IT
- How to Dispose

How to Create a Green IT strategy

Where Can We Get Help?
- Government initiatives, grants rewards- OGC Guidance

Managing External and Stakeholder Relationships

Managing Internal Staff Behaviours

Setting Corporate Behaviour

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    There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.