Clinical Midwifery BSc (Hons)

Clinical Midwifery BSc (Hons)

De Montfort University
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About the course

This post registration clinical midwifery degree is designed to meet the needs of newly qualified midwives and more experienced midwives looking for a clinically relevant midwifery programme of study.

The course is designed to develop clinical confidence and proficiency by advancing midwifery knowledge and practice through a process of supported activities in both clinical practice situations and within the classroom setting and in addition to develop new insights into practice.

The aim of the course is to increase knowledge and enhance understanding of midwifery issues, which can then be applied to practice to meet the challenges of woman led midwifery care.

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Midwifery, BSc, Tourism Management, Tourism Management, and Hospitality & Tourism Management.

About the course

This post registration clinical midwifery degree is designed to meet the needs of newly qualified midwives and more experienced midwives looking for a clinically relevant midwifery programme of study.

The course is designed to develop clinical confidence and proficiency by advancing midwifery knowledge and practice through a process of supported activities in both clinical practice situations and within the classroom setting and in addition to develop new insights into practice.

The aim of the course is to increase knowledge and enhance understanding of midwifery issues, which can then be applied to practice to meet the challenges of woman led midwifery care.

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Key facts

UCAS course code:

Duration: 2 - 5 years part-time

Attendance: One day per week in term time

Start date: September 2013 and January 2014

Entry and admission criteria

Professional midwifery qualification with evidence of current registration as a midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Employed in the UK as a midwife with an employer willing to provide a clinical mentor during the course.

Plus either: possess a Diploma HE Midwifery qualification or have 30 level 5 academic credits together with a minimum of three years post registration midwifery experience.

Teaching and assessment

Assessment is by, assignments, presentations and case studies. Teaching is facilitated by classroom based learning, practice based learning, directed study and independent learning.

Course modules

  • PRUM 3301 Proficient Midwifery Practice (45 credits)
  • PRED 3000 Mentorship in Clinical Practice (15 credits)
  • PRUM 3302 Midwifery Led Care (30 credits) or PRUM 3303 Technological Childbirth ( 30 credits )
  • PRUM 3305 Antenatal and Newborn Screening Module (Option module )

Course Structure

The BSc Hons Clinical Midwifery course consists of 120 credits at Level 6.

  • 60 credits at Level 6 is equivalent to a non-honours degree
  • 120 credits at level 6 leads to the award of an honours degree

There are 15 credit, 30 credit and 45 credit modules on your course, with numerous combinations of modules available for you to combine to achieve an award. The course has been designed to meet your specific needs with core and option modules available. Option modules are subject to availability.

Academic expertise

Teaching on the programme is provided by midwifery lecturers and expert visiting lecturers.

Fees and funding

Those working in the NHS may be eligible for funding from the Education Commission Unit of the East Midlands Strategic Health Authority.


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