BTEC L3 Extended Diploma in Hospitality

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BTEC L3 Extended Diploma in Hospitality

Coleg Cambria
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This two year course is designed to give the students the basics of general management skills needed in the Hotel and Catering events industry. It will involve a practical and theoretical approach including active participation, in local events as well as training in the College Restaurant, in the preparation and service of food and drink.

There are a minimum of eighteen units to cover including the:

• Hospitality industry

• Customer service

• Financial organisation

• Food and drink service

• Alcoholic beverage service

• Events organisation

• Business enterprise

• European and World food

• Marketing

Level 3 Food safety

Level 3 Welsh Baccalaureate

3 Essential skills o…

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Full Time

This two year course is designed to give the students the basics of general management skills needed in the Hotel and Catering events industry. It will involve a practical and theoretical approach including active participation, in local events as well as training in the College Restaurant, in the preparation and service of food and drink.

There are a minimum of eighteen units to cover including the:

• Hospitality industry

• Customer service

• Financial organisation

• Food and drink service

• Alcoholic beverage service

• Events organisation

• Business enterprise

• European and World food

• Marketing

Level 3 Food safety

Level 3 Welsh Baccalaureate

3 Essential skills over the two year period

3 Key skills over the two year period

Level 3 Supervisory Food and Beverage service.

How you will gain the qualification

Observations/ interviews/ report writing/ case studies/ Projects/ presentation and product design each of these carries a grading of Pass, Merit or Distinction.

What qualifications you need

Students will need a minimum of 4 GCSE’s at grade C or above to include English and Math’s or a BTEC level 2 qualification at Merit level.

Where to next

There are a huge range of opportunities for students who achieve at this level firstly they could go directly in to industry at a supervisory level.

Secondly the course is broadly equivalent to 3 A levels and therefore forms the entry requirement to Degree courses.

Thirdly a number of companies in the industry that run trainee manager courses recruit at this level.

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