Coleg Cambria
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Part Time

This BTEC course can be achieved at Level 1 or 2 depending on ability on entry. Both levels offer the opportunity to learn and experiment with a variety of printmaking techniques including planographic, relief and intaglio. Learners are encouraged to explore their own subject and creative influences throughout the course.

How you will gain the qualification

For accredited units the work will be assessed at the end of the course. EDEXCEL is the awarding body associated with this course and an external moderator visits the college on annual basis to sample student work and assessment decisions.

What qualifications you need

For mature learners (post 19) there are no entry requ…

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Frequently asked questions

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Part Time

This BTEC course can be achieved at Level 1 or 2 depending on ability on entry. Both levels offer the opportunity to learn and experiment with a variety of printmaking techniques including planographic, relief and intaglio. Learners are encouraged to explore their own subject and creative influences throughout the course.

How you will gain the qualification

For accredited units the work will be assessed at the end of the course. EDEXCEL is the awarding body associated with this course and an external moderator visits the college on annual basis to sample student work and assessment decisions.

What qualifications you need

For mature learners (post 19) there are no entry requirements. For learners 14-19 a general education equivalent to four GCSEs grades D-G is desirable.

Both beginners and those with some knowledge of printmaking are welcome to apply.

Where to next

This BTEC course is designed to enable you to progress onto higher level courses in printmaking and courses at a similar level to enhance career prospects by providing specific training and new skills. It can also be used as a vehicle for personal artistic development.

Part-time learners could progress through a variety of units at different levels, building a portfolio of achievement which could lead to full-time study on art, design and media related courses.

Learners could move on to use the open access printmaking facilities available through the Regional Print Centre to develop their work. For more information please visit:

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