Public Services BTEC 90 Credit Diploma Level 3


Public Services BTEC 90 Credit Diploma Level 3

Boston College
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This practical, work-related 1 year course offers both a practical and academic element and will provide you with a broad foundation on which to build knowledge of the Public Services. You may leave the course at the end of the first year with 90 credits, however successful completion of the full 2 year course (Extended Diploma) is equivalent to 3 A-levels therefore attracting UCAS points to enable entry to University.5 GCSEs at grades C or above including English Language and Maths (and other relevant subjects such as History or Sport) (or equivalent).

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This practical, work-related 1 year course offers both a practical and academic element and will provide you with a broad foundation on which to build knowledge of the Public Services. You may leave the course at the end of the first year with 90 credits, however successful completion of the full 2 year course (Extended Diploma) is equivalent to 3 A-levels therefore attracting UCAS points to enable entry to University.5 GCSEs at grades C or above including English Language and Maths (and other relevant subjects such as History or Sport) (or equivalent).

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