BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design

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BTEC Foundation Diploma in Art and Design

Tameside College
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Day(s) of Week:MONDAY-THURSDAY Duration:1 Year Fee: Under 24 year old : £750
Full-Time courses for 16-18 School Leavers are Free.

If you are aged between 19 and 23 and you don’t have a qualification equivalent to 2 A Levels, tuition fees will be waived. If you meet the Eligible Benefit criteria AND are aged 19-23, tuition fees will be waived. Tuition fees will not be waived for students aged over 23 studying a Level 3 or higher course, however these students may qualify for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan.
Course Content: This highly praised one year programme offers you the chance to dip your toe in the water of creative practice – or maybe to find your feet. This introductory course to desig…

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Day(s) of Week:MONDAY-THURSDAY Duration:1 Year Fee: Under 24 year old : £750
Full-Time courses for 16-18 School Leavers are Free.

If you are aged between 19 and 23 and you don’t have a qualification equivalent to 2 A Levels, tuition fees will be waived. If you meet the Eligible Benefit criteria AND are aged 19-23, tuition fees will be waived. Tuition fees will not be waived for students aged over 23 studying a Level 3 or higher course, however these students may qualify for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan.
Course Content: This highly praised one year programme offers you the chance to dip your toe in the water of creative practice – or maybe to find your feet. This introductory course to designing and making is very popular with students on the course ranging from school leavers to mature students looking towards a change of direction. Within this course you will sample a range of disciplines which will educate and aid you in making more informed decisions regarding your progression to appropriate higher education in Art & Design.

This course is also supported by studies into historical and contemporary artists and designers. Throughout the course you will study Life Drawing; DTP; Ceramic; 3D Design; Sculpture; Graphic Design; and Textile Design, specialising in the field of your choice. Project work, studio sessions, tutorials and group critiques will allow you to apply that knowledge where it counts: in expressing your own ideas and creative abilities.

Throughout the course you will benefit from outstanding teaching by an experienced teaching team, who are all practising artists and designers, within an atmosphere of support and encouragement Entry Qualification: You ought to have achieved 1 A level and 3 GCSEs at grade C or above (including English Language), or the successful completion of a 2 year programme (ND or AVCE). An exception may be made for students over the age of 21, who will be considered on merit, experience and a portfolio of work showing potential and commitment to Art and Design.

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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.