Applied Science (Biology) Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma


Applied Science (Biology) Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

St brendan's sixth form college
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Curriculum Area: Science

Applied Science (Applied Biology) Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

Who is the course for?

Biology is one of the most popular subjects in the country, attracting students studying a wide range of other subjects. BTEC is an established and highly successful, alternative qualification which is designed to provide learners with a more practical, real-world approach to learning together with specialist knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare them for employment or higher education. This two year course generates the same UCAS tariff points as one A Level. All units are assessed by coursework assignments. There are no examinations.

Year 1

Unit 1: Fund…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Biology, Science, BTEC, Health Management, and Anatomy.

Curriculum Area: Science

Applied Science (Applied Biology) Level 3 BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

Who is the course for?

Biology is one of the most popular subjects in the country, attracting students studying a wide range of other subjects. BTEC is an established and highly successful, alternative qualification which is designed to provide learners with a more practical, real-world approach to learning together with specialist knowledge, understanding and skills that they need to prepare them for employment or higher education. This two year course generates the same UCAS tariff points as one A Level. All units are assessed by coursework assignments. There are no examinations.

Year 1

Unit 1: Fundamentals of Science
  • Quantities involved in chemical reactions
  • Structure and function in cells
  • Types of energy and their interconversions
  • Communicate scientific information
Unit 11: Physiology of Human Body Systems
  • Level of organization within human body
  • The digestive system
  • Cardiovascular, Lymphatic and Urinary systems
  • Respiratory system
  • Lymphatic system
Unit 13 Biochemistry and biochemical techniques
  • Biological Molecules
  • Proteins
  • Enzymes and Rates of Reaction
  • Respiration

Year 2

Unit 12 Physiology of Human Regulation and Reproduction
  • Reproductive system
  • Regulation of Body Fluids
  • The Nervous System
  • Homeostasis
Unit 4 Scientific Practical Techniques
  • Analytical techniques
  • Separation techniques
  • Instruments for Scientific Investigation
Unit 18 Genetics and Genetic Engineering
  • DNA and protein synthesis
  • Cell Division
  • DNA Technology
  • Genetics

Methods of Teaching and Learning

The course is tutored by well-qualified Science specialists. The delivery of the course is through a mixture of theory lessons, practical work, independent study, group work and assignment research. This course is suited to students who are well organized and can take responsibility for their own learning and meet deadlines.


Visits have included trips to UWE to see the work of specialist lab technicians, and to Bristol University and @Bristol for practical workshops.

Methods of Assessment

All units are assessed by coursework, there are no examinations. Each unit has between four and eight assignments – a total of 28 assignments over two years.


The Science Curriculum Area has five well-equipped laboratories serviced by a team of science technicians. All laboratories have computers linked to the College network and the internet. Students are able to use the College Library and Information Centre together with the extensive computer suites. The Library is well stocked with books, journals and has Internet facilities.


A BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Science provides an opportunity for students to gain a nationally recognised qualification which will enable them to enter employment in a science related area, or progress to Higher Education.

Entry Requirements

Five GCSE passes at grade C or above, including Maths. Your GCSE results must also include GCSE Core and Additional Science at grade CC or above, or C grade in GCSE Biology. The GCSE Applied Science is not an acceptable entry qualification for this course.

Additional Costs

It is possible that external visits may take place. If this is the case a charge will be made.

What Students Say

“Fantastic teaching; requires a lot of work outside of College but you will always receive outstanding guidance. If you put the effort in you will succeed and gain a brilliant qualification.”

“This course has a great practical approach with plenty of opportunities to be creative with your work…it makes a great change from exams and essay writing”

“Individual research is really motivating and intriguing.”

“BTEC biology really helped me to become more organised…it is the best course out of my options”

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