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Computer Aided Design 2D Award Level 2 City & Guilds Course
Details This unit aims to equip candidates with the basic
understanding and principles of a 2D drawing environment, in terms
of hardware, software and physical surroundings. It will explore
the typical composition of a CAD system and health and safety
matters that are associated with safe working practices. This unit
coverseight learning outcomes. On successful completion of the
course the candidate will be able to: Use associated IT, CAD
hardware and operating systems. Use basic file management
techniques and maintain health and safety requirements. Use and
identify key components of the software relating to the 2D drawing
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Computer Aided Design 2D Award Level 2 City & Guilds Course
Details This unit aims to equip candidates with the basic
understanding and principles of a 2D drawing environment, in terms
of hardware, software and physical surroundings. It will explore
the typical composition of a CAD system and health and safety
matters that are associated with safe working practices. This unit
coverseight learning outcomes. On successful completion of the
course the candidate will be able to: Use associated IT, CAD
hardware and operating systems. Use basic file management
techniques and maintain health and safety requirements. Use and
identify key components of the software relating to the 2D drawing
environment. Use a range of viewing commands and set up the
drawing space. Use drawing commands to produce shapes. Use the
CAD software’s co-ordinate system to aid accurate drawing. Use
hatch, text and simple dimensioning routines. Use basic editing
commands and produce simple hard copies. Entry Requirements
Although no formal prior qualifications, learning or experience are
required, candidates should ideally have a level of competence at
least equal to that of the scheme. Assessment This unit will be
assessed by: Two assignments covering practical skills -
pass/fail. One GOLA on-line test covering underpinning knowledge -
fail/pass/merit/distinction. Learning Outcome Students will have
the opportunity to sit the assessment tests for this certificate,
providing they reach the required level of proficiency.
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