BTEC Level 4 HNC In Business (Management)
Starting dates and places
- Qualification credit value: a minimum of 240 credits. (A maximum of 30 credits may be at level 6.)
- Minimum credit to be achieved at the level of the qualification (level 5): 125 credits.
- Mandatory core unit credit: 125 credits.
- Specialist unit credit: 115 credits.
- The requirements of the HNC have to be met.
- A maximum of 60 credits can be centre devised or imported from other QCF Edexcel BTEC Higher National qualifications to meet local needs.
HNC[ Higher National Certificate] (total 8 units)
1. Marketing Principles
- Concept and process of marketing
- Concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning
- Individual elements of the extended marketing mix
- The marketing mix in diffe…
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- Qualification credit value: a minimum of 240 credits. (A maximum of 30 credits may be at level 6.)
- Minimum credit to be achieved at the level of the qualification (level 5): 125 credits.
- Mandatory core unit credit: 125 credits.
- Specialist unit credit: 115 credits.
- The requirements of the HNC have to be met.
- A maximum of 60 credits can be centre devised or imported from other QCF Edexcel BTEC Higher National qualifications to meet local needs.
HNC[ Higher National Certificate] (total 8 units)
1. Marketing Principles
- Concept and process of marketing
- Concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning
- Individual elements of the extended marketing mix
- The marketing mix in different contexts
2. Managing Financial Resources and Decisions
- Sources of finance available to a business
- The implications of finance as a resource within a business
- Make financial decisions based on financial information
- Evaluate the financial performance of a business
3. Organisations and Behaviour
- Relationship between organisational structure and culture
- Different approaches to management and leadership
- Motivational theories in organisations
- Mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisations
4. Business Environment
- Organisational purposes of businesses
- Nature of the national environment in which businesses operate
- Behaviour or organisations in their market environment
- Significance of the global factors that shape national business activities
5. Personal and Professional Development
- Self-managed learning
- Personal and professional development
- Personal and professional development plan
- Interpersonal and transferable skills
6. Aspects of Contract and Negligence for Business
- Essential elements of a valid contract in a business context
- Elements of a contract in business situations
- Principles of liability in negligence in business activities
7. Human Resource Management
- Difference between personnel management and human resource management
- How to recruit employees
- How to reward employees in order to motivate and retain them
- Mechanisms for cessation of employment
8. Business Decision Making
- Sources for the collection of primary and secondary data
- Techniques to analyse data effectively for business purposes
- Produce information in appropriate formats for decision making in an organisational context
- Software-generated information
HND[ Higher National Diploma (total 8 units)
9. Working With and Leading People
- Recruitment, selection and retention procedures
- Styles and impact of leadership
- Team working
- Asessing the work and development needs of individuals
10. Managing Business Activities to Achieve Results
- Importance of busines processes in delivering outcomes based upon business goals and objectives
- Develop and implement operational plans
- Monitor appropriate systems to improve organisational performance
- Manage health and safety in the workplace
11. Managing Communications, Knowledge and Information
- Assess information and knowledge needs
- Create strategies to increase personal networking to widen involvement in the decision-making process
- Develop communication processes
- Improve systems relating to information and knowledge
12. Marketing Planning
- Compile marketing audits
- Main barriers to marketing planning
- Formulate a marketing plan for a product or service
- Ethical issues in marketing
13. Sales Planning and Operations
- Role of personal selling within the overall marketing strategy
- Apply the principles of the selling process to a product or service
- Role and objectives of sales management
- Plan sales activity for a product or service
14. Project Management for Business
- Project management principles
- Manage a project’s human resources
- Apply project processes and procedures
15. Business Strategy
- Organisations purposes of businesses
- Nature of the national environment in which businesses operate
- Behaviour of organisations in their market environment
- Global factors that shape national business activities
16. Research Project
- Formulate a research specification
- Implement the research project
- Evaluate research outcomes
- Present research outcomes
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