WAT1 - Water Heaters


WAT1 - Water Heaters

North East Surrey College of Technology
Logo North East Surrey College of Technology
Provider rating: starstarstarstarstar 10 North East Surrey College of Technology has an average rating of 10 (out of 1 reviews)

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Starting dates and places

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Course Summary:

This course has been developed specifically for operatives who are seekingWAT1 qualification for the first time.

Course Details:

The course will offer you the theory and practical skills to cover the knowledge and understanding to work safely in the commissioning, servicing and installation of domestic Water Heaters.
The Academy will conduct both theory and practical assessments for you toaccomplish the course.

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Course Summary:

This course has been developed specifically for operatives who are seekingWAT1 qualification for the first time.

Course Details:

The course will offer you the theory and practical skills to cover the knowledge and understanding to work safely in the commissioning, servicing and installation of domestic Water Heaters.
The Academy will conduct both theory and practical assessments for you toaccomplish the course.

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    There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.