Electronic Testing Skills (SQA HN Unit DG3N 34)

Electronic Testing Skills (SQA HN Unit DG3N 34)

North East Scotland College
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This Unit has been designed to allow you to gain knowledge of standard electronic test instruments and testing techniques. In addition, you will gain the opportunity to practice basic fault finding techniques. These skills will be utilised in other parts of your course and are likely to prove especially useful in many forms of employment.

The early part of this Unit deals with the safe and efficient use of multimeters for the measurement of common electronic circuit parameters. It also covers the specifications and limitations of such instruments.

Similar topics are covered for oscilloscopes, function generators and frequency meters. It is intended that you will be given many opportunities t…

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This Unit has been designed to allow you to gain knowledge of standard electronic test instruments and testing techniques. In addition, you will gain the opportunity to practice basic fault finding techniques. These skills will be utilised in other parts of your course and are likely to prove especially useful in many forms of employment.

The early part of this Unit deals with the safe and efficient use of multimeters for the measurement of common electronic circuit parameters. It also covers the specifications and limitations of such instruments.

Similar topics are covered for oscilloscopes, function generators and frequency meters. It is intended that you will be given many opportunities to use this equipment to carry out tests on types of common electronic circuits.

Specialised equipment is often used for the testing of logic circuits, and you will carry out tests using some of this equipment.

Basic fault finding skills are introduced, and you will practice these on the same types of circuits covered elsewhere in the Unit.

Credit points and level: 1 HN credit at SCQF level 7: (8 SCQF credit points at SCQF level 7).

This is a self study course which means you can study at home, workplace or wherever you choose at times that are convenient for you. You do not have any classes to attend.

The materials for this course are provided as web-pages for you to work through online. As you progress through the course materials you will find written explanations of each feature, followed by practical exercises.

You will be supported throughout the course by a specialist Distance Learning Tutor. Your tutor will contact you (via your College email account) within 7-10 working days of receiving your welcome letter and materials. As you progress they will continue to make regular contact to offer support and guidance, usually by e-mail but sometimes by phone, to ensure you are making good progress and to support your learning throughout. Please note that you must be able to study independently through the course materials.


You will be assessed on your knowledge and use of the test equipment and instruments through a series of practical exercises covering the first three sections, the intention being to allow you to develop your skills. Candidates should measure parameters from a range of suitable electronic circuits, under supervised conditions. For Outcomes 1, 2 and 3, a concise report should be submitted for each practical exercise. This should contain a discussion about the instruments used and measurements made. Candidates may make use of notes, handouts or textbooks when composing the report. Outcomes 1 and 2 may be assessed together. Outcome 4 should be assessed under controlled, supervised conditions. Candidates are required to identify faults in at least 2 simple electronic circuits.


Candidates should have some knowledge and understanding of electronic components, their symbols and schematic diagrams. This may be evidenced by the possession of a Higher Electronics (C027 12), Intermediate II Electronic and Electrical Fundamentals (C025 11), or the following National Qualification Units: Introduction to Electronic Test Equipment and Measurement (E9S9 11), Electronic Components and Circuit Assembly Techniques (E9S6 11), Fault Diagnosis on Basic Electronic Circuits (EE9K 12).

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