Level 1 BTEC Certificate for IT Users

Level 1 BTEC Certificate for IT Users

Isle of Man College
Logo Isle of Man College

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What is the Course About?

This is an introduction about business administration and the vocational use of computers in the work environment. It covers some of the knowledge and practical skills required for people who wish to work in the computer sector, or who want to move on to a Level 2 course.
What Subjects will I study?

European Computer Driving License
Computer Literacy (Powerpoint, file management, Word, spreadsheets)
Word Processing
Text Processing
GCSE (half) Prepare for Work
Mathematics and English

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Frequently asked questions

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Business Administration, BTEC, Leadership, Decision Making, and Management Skills.

What is the Course About?

This is an introduction about business administration and the vocational use of computers in the work environment. It covers some of the knowledge and practical skills required for people who wish to work in the computer sector, or who want to move on to a Level 2 course.
What Subjects will I study?

European Computer Driving License
Computer Literacy (Powerpoint, file management, Word, spreadsheets)
Word Processing
Text Processing
GCSE (half) Prepare for Work
Mathematics and English

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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.