BTEC L2 Hospitality Pathway

BTEC L2 Hospitality Pathway

Isle of Man College
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What is the Course About?

A BTEC L2 Extended Certificate in Hospitality is a practical, work-related course. You learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands.

It introduces you to the employment area you have chosen to study and provides a good basis to go on to a more advanced work-related qualification.

A BTEC L2 Extended Certificate in Hospitality is broadly equivalent to two GCSEs.
What Subjects will I study?

All students will take the two mandatory units which are:-

Investigate the Catering and Hospitality Industry
Products, services and support in the Hospitality Industry Plus optional units including:-

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What is the Course About?

A BTEC L2 Extended Certificate in Hospitality is a practical, work-related course. You learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands.

It introduces you to the employment area you have chosen to study and provides a good basis to go on to a more advanced work-related qualification.

A BTEC L2 Extended Certificate in Hospitality is broadly equivalent to two GCSEs.
What Subjects will I study?

All students will take the two mandatory units which are:-

Investigate the Catering and Hospitality Industry
Products, services and support in the Hospitality Industry Plus optional units including:-
Planning and running a hospitality event
Principles of Customer Service in Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism
Providing Customer Service in Hospitality
Contemporary world food

In addition you will have the opportunity to study for GCSE/Functional Skills in English and Maths.

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