BTEC Diploma in Caring for Children - Level 1


BTEC Diploma in Caring for Children - Level 1

Greenwich Community College
Logo Greenwich Community College

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Starting dates and places

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Health & Social Care

What does the course include?

The course will provide you with an introduction to childcare and education. You will be in college for 3 days a week with a placement on one day. The course is not a certificate to practice.

The course consists of 3 mandatory units, 2 personal skills units and 3 vocational units (total 8 units):

  • Personal Development
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Food & Nutrition
  • Health & Safety Practices in the Home and Group Setting
  • Care of Children
  • Play & Practical Activities
  • Orientation to Work

You will also complete a functional skills course in Maths and English.

Although work placements are not compulsory for this course, you are encouraged to seek…

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Frequently asked questions

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Health & Social Care

What does the course include?

The course will provide you with an introduction to childcare and education. You will be in college for 3 days a week with a placement on one day. The course is not a certificate to practice.

The course consists of 3 mandatory units, 2 personal skills units and 3 vocational units (total 8 units):

  • Personal Development
  • Human Growth and Development
  • Food & Nutrition
  • Health & Safety Practices in the Home and Group Setting
  • Care of Children
  • Play & Practical Activities
  • Orientation to Work

You will also complete a functional skills course in Maths and English.

Although work placements are not compulsory for this course, you are encouraged to seek voluntary work placements in care or caring for children.

If you would like to find out more information about this course and speak to the course tutors, please come along to one of our Plumstead Centre Open Days.

What do I need to get on this course?

You will need to have completed Entry 3 level in English and Maths and also have previously attempted GCSEs.

You will be interviewed as part of the selection process and must provide satisfactory references. You must also demonstrate a commitment and ability to work in the Health and Social Care sector.

How will I be assessed?

Assessment is varied and includes written work, practical work, presentations and project work.

Where does it lead?

You can progress onto Health and Social Care or Childcare courses at Level 2.

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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.