Nursing Midwifery Council Recordable Teacher Qualification PG Cert

Nursing Midwifery Council Recordable Teacher Qualification PG Cert

De Montfort University
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About the course

The Post-Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PgCertHE) is a programme originally designed for academic staff at De Montfort University with 3 years or less of teaching experience. The programme has undergone successive re-accreditation by the Higher Education Academy and held in high esteem.

Combined with the Nursing and Midwifery Council requirements for Recordable Teacher Qualification (NMC RTQ)

PgCertHE course provides a strong foundation for experienced nurses and midwives to develop the requisite competence in supporting learning and assessment in professional practice education.

This integrated programme offers experienced nurses and midwives the opportunity to a…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Midwifery, Nursing, Community Nursing, EC-Council, and Healthcare.

About the course

The Post-Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PgCertHE) is a programme originally designed for academic staff at De Montfort University with 3 years or less of teaching experience. The programme has undergone successive re-accreditation by the Higher Education Academy and held in high esteem.

Combined with the Nursing and Midwifery Council requirements for Recordable Teacher Qualification (NMC RTQ)

PgCertHE course provides a strong foundation for experienced nurses and midwives to develop the requisite competence in supporting learning and assessment in professional practice education.

This integrated programme offers experienced nurses and midwives the opportunity to achieve the award of PgCertHE qualification, senior fellowship with the Higher education Academy and the NMC Recordable Teacher Qualification.

It is integral to DMU wider Academic Professional Development provision thus enabling seamless progression from initial qualification to continuing professional development.

To be eligible for the programme you must hold a registered qualification with the Nursing and Midwifery Council in the field of practice that you will support student learning.

You must confirm that you will be able to practise a minimum of 12 weeks (360 hours) undertaking wide-ranging educational activities including teaching in the academic and work-based settings.

The combined programme runs over one-full academic year comprising 4 modules.

  • EDUC 5520 Learning, Teaching and Research 30 credits M level
  • EDUC 5003 Assessment and Feedback 15 credits M Level
  • EDUC 5004The Academic in Practice 15 credits M level
  • MPHE 5109 NMC Recordable Teacher 0 credit M level

Successful completion of the first three modules leads to the award of 60 Level M Credits. You must successfully complete the full 60 credits to be awarded the PGCertHE qualification;

You must successfully complete the NMC teacher requirements (portfolio mapping and time log activities) to be entitled to apply for the NMC RTQ Qualification to the Nursing & Midwifery Council.

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Key facts

Duration: 1 year full time minimum / over three semesters

Maximum completion time for the full programme 2 years

Attendance: days differ between modules and delivery mode: part time and day attendance

Start date: one intake per year – October 2014

Entry and admission criteria

All potential candidates must have:

  • Effective registration on the Nursing and Midwifery Council -same part or sub-part professional register as the students you will support
  • A UK first degree level qualification relevant to their fields of practice
  • Minimum 3 years post-registration experience and evidence of continuing professional development
  • Demonstrate evidence of supporting students in a mentoring / practice teacher role
  • Works in an audited area where students on NMC approved programmes –pre or/and post registration- are allocated to gain practice experience / competence
  • Applicants must provide two referees, one giving emphasis on academic ability and the second their relevant practice experience
  • You will be required to attend an interview with DMU
  • You must complete a declaration form and enhanced CRB disclosure application form, before starting the course

Teaching and assessment

There is a range of learning and teaching strategies including taught sessions of lead lectures, seminars, workshops and learning sets. Tutorial support will be available. There will be direct observation of teaching sessions. Mentors will be appointed from same disciplines / fields of practice as the students to give support within that area.

There is a range of assessment to enable students to demonstrate achievement of modules outcomes at the appropriate level. These include writing an abstract, paper, presentations, conference, progressive portfolio work and poster. These strategies combined are designed to give students the experience of participating in an academic conference.

All assessments for the PgCertHE programme are directed towards planning and participating in a Learning, Teaching and Research Conference. Final assessments are submitted in a portfolio at the end of the third semester.

Course modules

Learning, Teaching and Research

This comprises 2 parts: Part A: Introduction to Academic Practice and Part B: Learning Teaching and Research.

  • Part A: Introduction to Academic Practice comprises a 3- day block
    The aims of the first part of the module are to consider wider contexts of working in higher education to introduce the principles and practices of teaching, learning and research in HE; to consider how these might impact on your practice and subsequent discussions on the programme.
  • Part B: Learning, Teaching and Research 11x3 sessions
    This part of the module sets out to pick up and to consolidate some of the issues raised in Part A on the planning and delivering of learning opportunities in a higher education context but with more attention to underlying principles and research evidence. It seeks to consider learning theories and curriculum design in a bid to integrate principles into practice.

Some of these sessions may involve self-directed individual or group activities in negotiation with the course tutor or may be optional, special interest sessions.

The assessments attached to the module will comprise:

  • An abstract for a conference paper/ workshop
  • A short presentation
  • A paper for a group workshop
  • Organisation and facilitation of a group workshop

Assessment and Feedback

The module is timetabled from January to March. Some of these sessions may involve self-directed individual or group activities in negotiation with the course tutor or may be optional, special interest sessions.

The focus of this module is upon the role of HE practitioner as an assessor of student learning. The introduction of innovatory forms of assessment, together with a strong interest in giving and receiving feedback in higher education and vocational education mean that professional development in this area is important.

The assessment for this module comprises:

  • A presentation
  • A poster
  • A written paper

The Academic / Practice Educator in Practice

This module is a means of ensuring that you can reflect upon what it means to be an academic in HE Today. It is also an opportunity for you to gather evidence of your teaching skills, to reflect upon them, and to devise strategies for further improvement, supported by the observations of others. It is primarily workplace-based, with the assistance of a discipline-based Mentor who has sound understanding of your working situation.

The assessments for this module comprise evidence of critical reflection on 30 hours of teaching in a portfolio of practice which includes:

  • Critical evaluation of theory and practice
  • Documentation evidencing practice

Feedback from the statutory 6 observations that must pass as satisfactory:

  • 2 observations by a mentor
  • 1 observation of their mentor
  • 1 observation by a peer
  • 1 observation of a peer
  • 1 observation by a tutor

NMC RTQ MPHE 5109 Module

This module enables students to work towards achieving the NMC requirements for teacher of nurses and midwives. There are two assessment components; these include (a) mapping learning achievement against NMC teacher outcomes in a portfolio and (b) compiling a time log showing a minimum of 360 hours spent in supporting student learning in the academic setting and in clinical practice.

Specific programme features

Technologically-Enhanced Learning

The programme is underpinned by the use of various technologies, both institutional and non-institutional, and it is acknowledged that participants will come with varying degrees of knowledge of such technologies and certain sessions will be dedicated to exploring the options for use in the curriculum.

Learning Sets

An important feature of the programme is its cross-disciplinary nature and in the formation of learning-sets which operate on both formal and informal bases throughout its duration.

Academic expertise

The programme is managed by a highly experienced team of professional educators specialising in their subject areas; many continuing to actively engage in various academic pursuits to enhance their expertise and professional development.

Visiting lecturers actively contribute enabling wider perspective on education and professional issues. This programme is fully supported by its own complement of administrators / co-ordinators ensuring high quality service to our students and staff.

Graduate careers

A postgraduate academic qualification and the NMC recorded teacher qualification will further enhance your prospect as qualified educator to various career opportunities. These include progression along the ‘Senior Fellow to Principal Fellow’ in the HEA’ structure or/and develop knowledge and practice through research.

Fees and funding

Those working in the NHS may be eligible for funding from the Education Commission Unit of the East Midlands Strategic Authority.

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