Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

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Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Coursera (CC)
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About this course: The digital age is dramatically reshaping the rules for organizational success. The new context demands renewal of your capabilities and development of different mindsets. In this course, you’ll learn the different components of emotional intelligence at work. For example, you’ll learn how you can work effectively in teams, build cooperative relationships with your key stakeholders, exercise effective influence, handle difficult conversations, and create energy and enthusiasm to foster meaningful change. Our modules will begin with powerful stories that are illustrative of typical challenges faced by front-line leaders. We’ll analyze the case illustration using the id…

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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan

  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: The digital age is dramatically reshaping the rules for organizational success. The new context demands renewal of your capabilities and development of different mindsets. In this course, you’ll learn the different components of emotional intelligence at work. For example, you’ll learn how you can work effectively in teams, build cooperative relationships with your key stakeholders, exercise effective influence, handle difficult conversations, and create energy and enthusiasm to foster meaningful change. Our modules will begin with powerful stories that are illustrative of typical challenges faced by front-line leaders. We’ll analyze the case illustration using the ideas from emotional intelligence theory, and highlight the key lessons that you should take away in terms of mindsets and skills that you should master to distinguish yourself as a leader.

Created by:  Indian School of Business
  • Taught by:  Ramnarayan Subramaniam, Clinical Professor

    Organisational Behaviour
Basic Info Course 5 of 6 in the Business Technology Management Specialization Level Beginner Language English How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.8 stars Average User Rating 4.8See what learners said Coursework

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Indian School of Business The Indian School of Business has successfully put India on the global map of management education by nurturing young leaders with an understanding of developing economies and the society at large. Through innovations in curricula and pedagogy to reflect the shifting business landscape, the ISB is committed to providing the best venue for management education to meet the growing need to develop young leaders who can manage global challenges.



Leaders as Individual

As frontline leaders, it is important for you to recognize your moods and emotions. You need a deeper understanding of the emotional needs that drive you and shape your behavior. Management research shows that the behavioral competencies are highly important for individuals with leadership responsibility. In fact, without behavioral competencies, even otherwise bright individuals fail in managerial and leadership roles. These competencies are not innate; they are learned through guided introspection and practice. This module will deal with the topics of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, interpersonal relations, leadership skills and mindsets, avoiding the trap of derailment, and building personal development plan. We also have an interview with a senior industry practitioner on competencies of an effective leader.

8 videos expand

  1. Video: Course Introduction
  2. Video: What Makes a Leader
  3. Discussion Prompt: EQ and Leadership Effectiveness
  4. Video: Self-Awareness
  5. Video: Avoiding the Trap of Leader Derailment
  6. Discussion Prompt: Leadership Derailment
  7. Video: Interpersonal Relationships
  8. Video: Leadership Skills and Mindsets
  9. Video: Building Our Personal Development Plan
  10. Video: Interview - Competencies of an Effective Leader (Dr. Chandrasekhar)
  11. Peer Review: Ungraded Assignment

Graded: Graded Quiz


Leaders as Relationship Builder

People are at the center of any organization. For leaders to achieve organizational goals, they need to understand the people they are leading. To be effective, a leader has to allocate significant time and effort to build and develop cooperative relationships with key internal and external stakeholders. Building and maintaining relationships is a critical competence for effective leaders. This is aimed at not just direct reports. You also need positive relations with peers, bosses, senior leaders, people at operating levels and relevant others outside the organization. When there is mutual trust, influence and credibility, organizational work becomes easier. In short, relationships are critical for leadership success. This module will focus on the topics of listening, coaching and feedback, delegation and building effective teams. We also have an interview with an industry expert on building resonant relationships.

8 videos expand

  1. Video: Interview - Leader as a Relationship Builder (Prabir Jha)
  2. Video: Mindsets for Effective Listening
  3. Discussion Prompt: Effective listening skills
  4. Video: Listening with Empathy
  5. Video: Effective Delegation
  6. Discussion Prompt: Effective Delegation
  7. Video: Steps in Delegation Process
  8. Video: Leader as a Coach
  9. Video: Team – Together Everyone Achieves
  10. Video: Teams – GRPI Model
  11. Peer Review: Ungraded Assignment

Graded: Graded Quiz


Leader as Influencer and Collaborator

Organizations are teams of teams. By definition, a manager gets work done not only through one’s own resources and efforts, but also through others. In other words, you are required to work effectively with people outside your team. These are individuals and groups within the organization and also outside. You have to influence people at different levels and functions, build collaborative relationships wherever possible, negotiate wisely, handle difficult conversations and make decisions in the face of uncertainty and complexity. In this complex arena, formal authority or position power is only a limited resource. You have to influence without authority, and this will require you to draw on your personal power, resources and approaches. You have to develop skills and mindsets for the challenges of managing conflict, handling difficult conversations and carrying out effective negotiations. This module will deal with the topics of influence, conflict management, handling difficult conversations, negotiation and decision making. As a part of this module, we have two interviews – one with a negotiation expert on what it takes to be an effective negotiator, and the second with an industry expert on the topic of complex decision making.

7 videos expand

  1. Video: Interview-Effective Negotiation (Prof. Dishan Kamdar)
  2. Video: Mindsets for being an Influential Manager
  3. Video: Influence Tactics
  4. Discussion Prompt: Influence tactics and Mindsets
  5. Video: Conflict Management: Constructive and Destructive Responses
  6. Video: Conflict Management Styles
  7. Video: Difficult conversations
  8. Discussion Prompt: Difficult Conversation
  9. Video: Interview-Decision Making in a Complex World (Dr. Edward)
  10. Peer Review: Ungraded Assignment

Graded: Graded Quiz


Leader as Change Agent

Research and practice show that managers and organisations face huge difficulties in reaching set targets through their change management initiatives. As a frontline leader, you are expected to bring about changes without having the authority to issue orders or give directives.You won’t have all the authority and resources, and yet you would be expected to bring about effective changes in your sphere of functioning. Changes are required to respond to newer opportunities and threats faster than your competitors. You would be expected to be both change agents and bring about effective changes; and at the same time, change recipients and operate within the framework of a larger mandate or organisational direction given to you from higher levels. Not surprisingly, leading change has become a highly critical managerial competence. This module will cover Lewin’s foundational model of change, Kotter’s influential framework of change management, levels of resistance to change and change leadership competencies.

5 videos, 2 readings expand

  1. Video: Foundational Change Model of Kurt Lewin
  2. Video: Rethinking Resistance
  3. Video: Creating a Climate for Change
  4. Video: Enabling, Executing and Sustaining Change
  5. Discussion Prompt: Kotter’s Change Framework
  6. Video: Being an Effective Change Leader
  7. Reading: Being an effective Change Leader
  8. Discussion Prompt: Skills and Mindsets of Effective Change Leader
  9. Reading: Additional Readings (Optional)
  10. Peer Review: Ungraded Assignment

Graded: Graded Quiz
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