BTEC Extended Diploma in Photography


BTEC Extended Diploma in Photography

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This is a practical, work-related course. You learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands. As well as learning about the employment area you have chosen, you will develop the skills you need to start a career. It is equivalent to three A levels which means when you have finished the course you can choose whether to get a job straight away or go into higher education first.

Course Code: A4519 Course Length: Two years Course Schedule: You will need to attend college for three or four days per week Entry Requirements:

You will need to have one of the following: at least four GCSEs at grades A* - C including Engl…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Photography, (Digital) Photography, BTEC, Fashion Photography, and Adobe Photoshop.


This is a practical, work-related course. You learn by completing projects and assignments that are based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands. As well as learning about the employment area you have chosen, you will develop the skills you need to start a career. It is equivalent to three A levels which means when you have finished the course you can choose whether to get a job straight away or go into higher education first.

Course Code: A4519 Course Length: Two years Course Schedule: You will need to attend college for three or four days per week Entry Requirements:

You will need to have one of the following: at least four GCSEs at grades A* - C including English Language, a BTEC First Diploma in a related subject at merit level or above; an Intermediate GNVQ in a related subject at merit level. NB There is considerable demand for places on this course. Early application is strongly recommended.

Academic Progression:

Photography is an excellent preparation for many Higher Education courses in the Visual Arts.

Career Progression:

BTEC National Diplomas are valued by employers and higher education (universities and colleges). Students go into careers such as Scientific Photography, High Street Photography and Photojournalism. If you want to get a job straight away you could work Freelance or as a photographers assistant. If you decide to go to university or college you could take a Foundation degree or a full Honours degree in subjects such as Photography; Photojournalism; Digital Photography.

Full Description:

The course is made up of seventeen units - five core units and twelve further specialist units. The specialist units enable you to study particular areas in depth.

Core units:Visual Recording in Art and Design, Materials, Techniques and Processes in Art and Design; Ideas and Concepts in Art and Design; Visual Communication in Art and Design, Contextual Influences in Art and Design.

Specialist Units:Experimental Techniques; Lens-based Image Making, Darkroom Practice; Location Techniques; Studio Techniques; Digital Imaging; Darkroom Applications; Location Photography; Personal and Professional Development; Studio Photography; Application, Exploration and Realisation in A&D and Design Methods in A&D. You will also be assessed for the Functional Skills English qualification. You will need to get 35mm single lens reflex film camera and will be required to purchase consumables (film, paper, etc). There is an annual levy charged to cover field trips.

Please contact the Advice Shop for details of costs and start dates.

Please note that although the information given is believed to be correct at the time of publication, course information, costs where applicable and attendance details may change.

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