Coleg Cambria
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Open or Distance Learning

How you will gain the qualification

What qualifications you need

There are two Level 5 Diplomas in Children&rsquo s Care Learning and Development Wales and Northern Ireland qualifications: Level 5 Diploma in Children&rsquo s Care Learning and Development (advanced practice) Wales and Northern Ireland is for senior practitioners, deputy managers and assistant managers who work within early years and child care settings. Level 5 Diploma in Children&rsquo s Care Learning and Development (management) Wales and Northern Ireland is for managers, deputy managers and assistant managers who work within early years and childcare settings. DELIVERY Delivery is flexible, bas…

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Frequently asked questions

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Advanced Practice, Child Care, Business Development, Palliative Care, and Healthcare.

Open or Distance Learning

How you will gain the qualification

What qualifications you need

There are two Level 5 Diplomas in Children&rsquo s Care Learning and Development Wales and Northern Ireland qualifications: Level 5 Diploma in Children&rsquo s Care Learning and Development (advanced practice) Wales and Northern Ireland is for senior practitioners, deputy managers and assistant managers who work within early years and child care settings. Level 5 Diploma in Children&rsquo s Care Learning and Development (management) Wales and Northern Ireland is for managers, deputy managers and assistant managers who work within early years and childcare settings. DELIVERY Delivery is flexible, based in the workplace and carried out by an occupationally competent assessor. Observation of practice is a mandatory requirement and so obtaining the relevant approval for the assessor to access the workplace is necessary for entry onto the course. It is expected that learners will successfully complete the programme within a 12 month period.

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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.