Ultrasound, Science and Instrumentation

Ultrasound, Science and Instrumentation

University of Cumbria
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Starting dates and places

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Module delivery dates

Attendance for this module is divided into two 3 day study blocks which next run in Lancaster 12 - 14 May and 09 - 11 June 2014.

Why study with us?

Module HMSU7010 equips students with skills and knowledge in science and instrumentation of Ultrasound in order to promote safe and competent practice.

It will enable you to use high level problem solving skills to synthesise the principles of physical science in relation to their influence on biological hazard and image quality; critically evaluate the application of scientific and technical principles in the optimisation of instrument design and use; apply analytical decision making and judgement skills in identifying and …

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Frequently asked questions

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Module delivery dates

Attendance for this module is divided into two 3 day study blocks which next run in Lancaster 12 - 14 May and 09 - 11 June 2014.

Why study with us?

Module HMSU7010 equips students with skills and knowledge in science and instrumentation of Ultrasound in order to promote safe and competent practice.

It will enable you to use high level problem solving skills to synthesise the principles of physical science in relation to their influence on biological hazard and image quality; critically evaluate the application of scientific and technical principles in the optimisation of instrument design and use; apply analytical decision making and judgement skills in identifying and evaluating the range of apparatus available for specific imaging requirements and defend and justify the safe use of ultrasound procedures in the context of other imaging modalities.


If you are employed within NHS North West and this module is to be funded by your employing Trust, please contact your Line Manager and CPD Lead for advice relating to funding and the funding application process.

What can this course lead to?

On successful completion of this module can be drawn into the MSc Medical Imaging, Ultrasound or associated programmes by Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL).

Resources and facilities

We are amongst the UK’s leading health and wellbeing faculties and are proud of the high level of support we are able to offer to our students. We provide a wide range of high-quality courses supported by expert academic and clinical practice staff.

You will enjoy great facilities, including a well equipped ultrasound skills lab with top of the range machines. You can learn alongside caring, committed and experienced professionals. Our employment record is excellent.

Student work
  • An unseen written examination (40% of the overall module mark)
  • An experiment file of 2000 words (60% of the overall module mark).
Entry requirements

Prior successful study at underpinning level

More about levels and credits

Credit and UCAS requirements Credit: 20 credits Selection criteria

In addition to the academic entry requirements students will need to have appropriate clinical experience and access to the supervision and support of an experienced clinical practitioner who will act as their mentor for the duration of the course.


This module covers:

  • Wave properties and propagation and the interaction of ultrasound with biological materials
  • Dosimetry and safety of ultrasound
  • Bio hazards associated with energy transfer and deposition
  • Transducers - piezo electric effect
  • Design of transducers and their associated applications
  • Production of the ultrasonic field
  • Pulse-echo techniques, echo ranging and focusing
  • Image resolution and artefact production
  • Image display and recording methods - electronic and photographic recording systems
  • Principles of real time B scan image production
  • Principles of continuous and pulsed wave Doppler including spectral, duplex and colour flow systems
  • Quality control, the use of phantoms, test objects and equipment for measuring instrument output
  • Discussion of "leading edge" technology including the principles of tissue harmonics and contrast agents.
Course summary

The module is divided into two 3-day study blocks, which run in May and June each year.

This module will enable you to:

  • Use high level problem solving skills to synthesise the principles of physical science in relation to their influence on biological hazard and image quality.
  • Critically evaluate the application of scientific and technical principles in the optimisation of instrument design and use.
  • Apply analytical decision making and judgement skills in identifying and evaluating the range of apparatus available for specific imaging requirements.
  • Defend and justify the safe use of ultrasound procedures in the context of other imaging modalities.

This is a compulsory module for the PGC/PGD and MSc Medical Imaging, Ultrasound programme.

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