Badminton 1st year level 1 (continuing) * no reduced fees *

Total time

Badminton 1st year level 1 (continuing) * no reduced fees *

Kingston Adult Education
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Starting dates and places

This product does not have fixed starting dates and/or places.


Learner & Entry Requirements:

Must have previously attended a Badminton course.

General & First Session:

If you already have sports kit (comfortable clothing, trainers, Badminton racket), please bring it but do not purchase it specifically for the course until after the first class. KAE is unable to offer refunds for any materials, equipment or books if the course is subsequently closed.

Course Aim & Objective:

Basic racket and body skills. How to play a basic tactical game of Badminton.


Weekly and at the end of the course, in order to focus help where necessary.

Course Syllabus:

Obtain during the first session.

Read the complete description

Frequently asked questions

There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.

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Learner & Entry Requirements:

Must have previously attended a Badminton course.

General & First Session:

If you already have sports kit (comfortable clothing, trainers, Badminton racket), please bring it but do not purchase it specifically for the course until after the first class. KAE is unable to offer refunds for any materials, equipment or books if the course is subsequently closed.

Course Aim & Objective:

Basic racket and body skills. How to play a basic tactical game of Badminton.


Weekly and at the end of the course, in order to focus help where necessary.

Course Syllabus:

Obtain during the first session.

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    There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.