Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom

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Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom

Coursera (CC)
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  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: Effective measures of performance and assessment are a crucial component of any virtual program. Teachers and administrators must understand both the myths and challenges of assessing performance virtually, administering standardized testing with geographical challenges, and complying with state and local requirements to make sure students are meeting requirements. This course will discuss student performance in a virtual classroom, formats of virtual assessments, assessing special populations, including at-risk, gifted, and special needs students, data analysis of virtual course gradebooks, and learning management systems as related to performance and assessment. Thi…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Special Needs Teaching, Performance Management, Feedback Skills, Leadership, and Management Skills.

When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan

  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: Effective measures of performance and assessment are a crucial component of any virtual program. Teachers and administrators must understand both the myths and challenges of assessing performance virtually, administering standardized testing with geographical challenges, and complying with state and local requirements to make sure students are meeting requirements. This course will discuss student performance in a virtual classroom, formats of virtual assessments, assessing special populations, including at-risk, gifted, and special needs students, data analysis of virtual course gradebooks, and learning management systems as related to performance and assessment. This course will enable teachers to see the importance of communication and organization in managing virtual caseloads, and monitoring student learning remotely through the effective use of learning management system features.

Created by:  University of California, Irvine
  • Taught by:  Racquel Nedden, Instructor & Lead Teacher

    UCI Extension & UC Scout
Basic Info Course 4 of 5 in the Virtual Teacher Specialization Commitment 2-4 hours/week Language English How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.1 stars Average User Rating 4.1See what learners said Coursework

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University of California, Irvine Since 1965, the University of California, Irvine has combined the strengths of a major research university with the bounty of an incomparable Southern California location. UCI’s unyielding commitment to rigorous academics, cutting-edge research, and leadership and character development makes the campus a driving force for innovation and discovery that serves our local, national and global communities in many ways.



Week 1: The Importance of Performance and Assessment in the Virtual Classroom

Welcome to the course! Begin by watching the welcome video and familiarizing yourself with the course. This week, we will discuss the importance of performance and assessment in the virtual classroom. We will also review math topics that can be applied to grade book management in your own virtual course.

8 videos, 3 readings expand

  1. Reading: About this Course
  2. Reading: Pre-Course Survey
  3. Video: Welcome to Week 1
  4. Video: The Importance of Student Performance in a Virtual World (Lesson 1)
  5. Video: The Importance of Student Performance in a Virtual World (Lesson 2)
  6. Video: The Importance of Student Performance in a Virtual World (Lesson 3)
  7. Video: The Importance of Student Performance in a Virtual World (Lesson 4)
  8. Video: The Importance of Student Performance in a Virtual World (Lesson 5)
  9. Video: The Importance of Student Performance in a Virtual World (Lesson 6)
  10. Video: Week 1: Math Topics
  11. Reading: Week 1: Optional Resources

Graded: Quiz 1


Week 2: Assessing Students Virtually, Academic Integrity, and Administering High Stakes Testing at a Distance

In week two, we will address the concerns regarding academic integrity as well as the challenges that have arisen due to the nature of the environment and how we can combat some of these challenges. We will also be taking a look at how to virtually assess a student's performance and how to administer high stakes tests in a virtual setting.

5 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Video: Welcome to Week 2
  2. Video: Academic Integrity, Virtual Assessments, and High Stakes Testing (Lesson 1)
  3. Video: Academic Integrity, Virtual Assessments, and High Stakes Testing (Lesson 2)
  4. Video: Academic Integrity, Virtual Assessments, and High Stakes Testing (Lesson 3)
  5. Video: Academic Integrity, Virtual Assessments, and High Stakes Testing (Lesson 4)
  6. Reading: Week 2: Optional Resources

Graded: Quiz 2


Week 3: Data Analysis and Grade book Management in the Virtual Classroom
In week three, we will cover some of the best practices for data analysis and grade book management and the intended and unintended consequences for using these types of practices.

5 videos, 2 readings expand

  1. Video: Welcome to Week 3
  2. Video: Data Analysis and Gradebook Management in the Virtual Classroom (Lesson 1)
  3. Video: Data Analysis and Gradebook Management in the Virtual Classroom (Lesson 2)
  4. Video: Data Analysis and Gradebook Management in the Virtual Classroom (Lesson 3)
  5. Video: Data Analysis and Gradebook Management in the Virtual Classroom (Lesson 4)
  6. Reading: Week 3: Optional Resources
  7. Reading: About the Assignment

Graded: Analyze the Gradebook
Graded: Quiz 3


Week 4: Performance and Assessment for Special Populations: Gifted, At-Risk, and Special Needs Students
In week four, we will be taking a look at the different ways in which we will need to assess students based upon the type of student that they are, as well as how we can accommodate their needs and work together with them.

6 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Video: Welcome to Week 4
  2. Video: Performance and Assessment for Special Populations (Lesson 1)
  3. Video: Performance and Assessment for Special Populations (Lesson 2)
  4. Video: Performance and Assessment for Special Populations (Lesson 3)
  5. Video: Performance and Assessment for Special Populations (Lesson 4)
  6. Video: Performance and Assessment for Special Populations (Lesson 5)
  7. Reading: Week 4: Optional Resources

Graded: Quiz 4


Week 5: Instructional Feedback, Monitoring Performance and Assessment Using Technology
In this last week, we will discuss the importance of instructional feedback in this type of online setting, how instructional feedback affects a student's performance, monitoring their performance, and assessing their performance using technology.

5 videos, 3 readings expand

  1. Video: Welcome to Week 5
  2. Video: Instructional Feedback, Monitoring Performance, and Technology (Lesson 1)
  3. Video: Instructional Feedback, Monitoring Performance, and Technology (Lesson 2)
  4. Video: Instructional Feedback, Monitoring Performance, and Technology (Lesson 3)
  5. Video: Instructional Feedback, Monitoring Performance, and Technology (Lesson 4)
  6. Reading: Week 5: Optional Resources
  7. Reading: Message from UC Irvine Extension
  8. Reading: Post-Course Survey

Graded: Final Quiz
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