Creative Media Production BTEC Certificate Level 3 (Media A-level Programme)


Creative Media Production BTEC Certificate Level 3 (Media A-level Programme)

Boston College
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This course can be studied alongside your A-level programme. This is a practical course that also looks at analytical Media skills which translate into work you would do in a real environment. The emphasis is placed on developing practical skills in a range of areas. The Certificate is equivalent to 1 AS-level grade A*-C.During the course you will complete a series of practical projects using a variety of media techniques and processes. You will study different areas of Media, which includes: Page Layout and Design, Communication Skills and Pre Production Skills. You will also learn about how the Media Industry works, and the fundamental research skills that underlie all media production. Yo…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Media Skills, BTEC, Public speaking & presentation, Public Relations (PR), and External Communication.

This course can be studied alongside your A-level programme. This is a practical course that also looks at analytical Media skills which translate into work you would do in a real environment. The emphasis is placed on developing practical skills in a range of areas. The Certificate is equivalent to 1 AS-level grade A*-C.During the course you will complete a series of practical projects using a variety of media techniques and processes. You will study different areas of Media, which includes: Page Layout and Design, Communication Skills and Pre Production Skills. You will also learn about how the Media Industry works, and the fundamental research skills that underlie all media production. You will gain an understanding of how media products are constructed for specific audience and markets, and you will learn about employment opportunities and working practice in the media industry.

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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.