Home Vegetable Growing AHT102

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Home Vegetable Growing AHT102

Academy for Distance Learning
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Grow your own delicious vegetables! Learn how to grow delicious, fresh, healthy vegetables simply at home. You will learn such things as how to build a veggie garden, cultivation and planting, the main vegetables, how to make compost, pest, disease and weed control, hydroponic and greenhouse growing, herbs and uncommon vegetable varieties, watering and irrigation systems, harvesting, storing and using vegetables.

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There are many different ways you can grow vegetables; and an almost endless range of varieties to choose from. The method you choose and the varieties you grow should depend upon the time, space, level of knowledge and other resources available …

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Vegetable & Fruit Gardening, Horticulture, Organic Farming, Plant Growth & Care, and Wildlife.

Grow your own delicious vegetables! Learn how to grow delicious, fresh, healthy vegetables simply at home. You will learn such things as how to build a veggie garden, cultivation and planting, the main vegetables, how to make compost, pest, disease and weed control, hydroponic and greenhouse growing, herbs and uncommon vegetable varieties, watering and irrigation systems, harvesting, storing and using vegetables.

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There are many different ways you can grow vegetables; and an almost endless range of varieties to choose from. The method you choose and the varieties you grow should depend upon the time, space, level of knowledge and other resources available to you.
This course teachess you many different ways of growing, and what is needed for just about every vegetable you can think of.

Lesson Structure There are 8 lessons in this course:
  1. Introduction
  2. Cultivation and Planting
  3. Review of Major Vegetable Varieties
  4. Pest, Disease and Weed Control
  5. Hydroponic and Greenhouse Growing
  6. Lesser Grown Varieties and Herbs
  7. Irrigation
  8. Harvesting, Storing and Using Vegetables

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school\'s tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.

  • Identify a range of different vegetables
  • Determine sources and significance for information on vegetable growing
  • Describe the planting and cultivation of a range of different vegetables.
  • Describe production of some of the varieties of vegetable which are widely and commonly grown by home gardeners.
  • Evaluate and determine treatments for a range of common pest, disease and weed problems that affect vegetables
  • Determine and describe methods for producing a range of vegetable crops out of season.
  • Describe production of some of the varieties of vegetable which are less commonly grown by home gardeners.
  • Determine and describe ways of managing the water needs of vegetables in a home garden.
  • Describe when and how to harvest different types of vegetable crops.
  • Describe a range of methods for storing and using vegetables after harvest.
What You Will Do
  • Compile a resource file of organisations related to home vegetable growing
  • Compile reviews of sixteen different vegetables suitable for growing at home
  • Carry out basic soil tests on two different soils
  • Obtain or make up a propagating mix
  • Make a vegetable garden
  • Identify weed species in a vegetable garden and suggest control methods
  • Make notes about pests and diseases in a home vegetable garden
  • Contact several chemical suppliers and obtain brochures or technical information sheets on weedicides and pesticides appropriate for use on vegetable crops
  • Contact a few greenhouse companies and obtain both literature and current prices
  • Either write to or visit a company (or companies) which supply irrigation equipment.
  • Obtain catalogues, brochures, etc
  • Try drying, bottling or freezing a vegetable you have not preserved before.
  • List 20 different vegetables with information about their culture and harvest
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