AS/A2 in Law
Starting dates and places
Duration:1 Year Fee: Under 24 year old :
Full-Time courses for 16-18 School Leavers are Free.
If you are studying at Level 1 or 2 AND you meet the Eligible Benefit criteria tuition fees will be waived. (Registration Fees will still apply). If you are studying at Level 3 AND you meet the Eligible Benefit criteria AND are aged between 19 and 23, tuition fees will be waived. Tuition fees will not be waived for students aged over 23 studying a Level 3 or higher course, however these students may qualify for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan.
Course Content: Law is the collection of rules that have been developed to make sure citizens know what their rights and responsibilities are. It affects almost…
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Duration:1 Year Fee: Under 24 year old :
Full-Time courses for 16-18 School Leavers are Free.
If you are studying at Level 1 or 2 AND you meet the Eligible
Benefit criteria tuition fees will be waived. (Registration Fees
will still apply). If you are studying at Level 3 AND you meet the
Eligible Benefit criteria AND are aged between 19 and 23, tuition
fees will be waived. Tuition fees will not be waived for students
aged over 23 studying a Level 3 or higher course, however these
students may qualify for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan.
Course Content: Law is the collection of rules that have been
developed to make sure citizens know what their rights and
responsibilities are. It affects almost everything we do, from
buying a house to getting a job, making a will or getting divorced.
A-Level Law encourages you to take a broad view of the English
legal system, covering the basic principles of law making and
dispute solving, and introducing you to issues of substantive law.
It investigates aspects of criminal, contract and tort law, as well
as considering the rationale for law in our society. As part of the
course, you will get the opportunity to visit the Houses of
Parliament and the Old Bailey along with local courts.
At A2 Level candidates develop the knowledge and skills acquired at
The areas covered include:
• Homicide
• Non fatal offences
• Defences
• Theft and robbery
The course concludes with an investigation into the concepts of law
such as the relationship between mortality and law and the
difference between law and justice. Entry Qualification: A minimum
of 5 GCSEs at grade A*-C, including English Language Course Format:
You will learn via a variety of teaching methods, a very high rate
of attendance, punctuality and hard work. There wil be an exam at
the end of each unit. Progression: Students who wish to progress
onto A2 Law must achieve grade D at AS Level.
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