AS/A2 in History
Starting dates and places
Duration:1 Year Fee: Under 24 year old :
Full-Time courses for 16-18 School Leavers are Free.
If you are studying at Level 1 or 2 AND you meet the Eligible Benefit criteria tuition fees will be waived. (Registration Fees will still apply). If you are studying at Level 3 AND you meet the Eligible Benefit criteria AND are aged between 19 and 23, tuition fees will be waived. Tuition fees will not be waived for students aged over 23 studying a Level 3 or higher course, however these students may qualify for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan.
Course Content: The content of the course focuses on two periods, Elizabethan England 1558–1603 and Germany 1933–1963. The key issues studied in both periods in…
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Duration:1 Year Fee: Under 24 year old :
Full-Time courses for 16-18 School Leavers are Free.
If you are studying at Level 1 or 2 AND you meet the Eligible
Benefit criteria tuition fees will be waived. (Registration Fees
will still apply). If you are studying at Level 3 AND you meet the
Eligible Benefit criteria AND are aged between 19 and 23, tuition
fees will be waived. Tuition fees will not be waived for students
aged over 23 studying a Level 3 or higher course, however these
students may qualify for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan.
Course Content: The content of the course focuses on two periods,
Elizabethan England 1558–1603 and Germany 1933–1963. The key issues
studied in both periods include the establishment of rule, strength
of opposition, domestic policy, use of propaganda, strengths and
weaknesses of leadership etc.
There is a trip to London in the Spring Term, a visit to a
Conference in Manchester and two students visit Auschwitz in the
Autumn term. Entry Qualification: For entry onto this course you
are required to have achieved at least 5 A*-C grades at GCSE level
including C at English Language. Course Format: Learning is by a
variety of means including, a video making debate and interactive
activities in addition to more traditional methods.
Ongoing assessment is by informal and formal methods, including
peer evaluation, marked essays and self assessment. Students are
entered for examinations in January and June. Progression: It is
expected that students will progress onto A2, and must achieve a
grade D at AS Level.
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