AS/A2 in Biology
Starting dates and places
Duration:1 Year Fee: Under 24 year old :
Full-Time courses for 16-18 School Leavers are Free.
If you are studying at Level 1 or 2 AND you meet the Eligible Benefit criteria tuition fees will be waived. (Registration Fees will still apply). If you are studying at Level 3 AND you meet the Eligible Benefit criteria AND are aged between 19 and 23, tuition fees will be waived. Tuition fees will not be waived for students aged over 23 studying a Level 3 or higher course, however these students may qualify for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan.
Course Content: Biology uses examples from around the planet to explain why organisms have the structures found in their cells and bodies and why populations be…
Frequently asked questions
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Duration:1 Year Fee: Under 24 year old :
Full-Time courses for 16-18 School Leavers are Free.
If you are studying at Level 1 or 2 AND you meet the Eligible
Benefit criteria tuition fees will be waived. (Registration Fees
will still apply). If you are studying at Level 3 AND you meet the
Eligible Benefit criteria AND are aged between 19 and 23, tuition
fees will be waived. Tuition fees will not be waived for students
aged over 23 studying a Level 3 or higher course, however these
students may qualify for a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan.
Course Content: Biology uses examples from around the planet to
explain why organisms have the structures found in their cells and
bodies and why populations behave the way they do.
Over the course of the AS Level you will study topics including
Biology of disease; Variety of Living Organisms and investigative
and practical skills
Over the A Level year, you will learn about: Populations and
environments; Control in cells and in organisms and Investigative
and practical skills. Entry Qualification: A minimum 5 GCSEs at C
or above including Maths, English and Double Science. Special
Features: It is good in combination with other sciences. A
demanding, rigorous, academic subject for those determined to
succeed in higher education. Course Format: You will learn by
taking notes, making power point presentations, producing leaflets,
researching and preparing for discussions, essay writing,
completing practical experiments, model making and creating
posters. You will practice past exam questions.
You will be assessed by formal examination with written papers in
January and June, and a practical examination in April. Internal
assessment is through end of topic essays, exam questions and
learning checks alongside short tests and contribution in class.
Progression: Students who wish to progress onto A2 Biology must
achieve grade D at AS Level.
This A Level is essential for Medicine, Veterinary Science, Nursing
and Physiotherapy. Life science degree holders become some of the
most highly employed post graduates.
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