MySQL for Developers II
Starting dates and places
This product does not have fixed starting dates and/or places.
A good working knowledge of MySQL is required. This can be gained by attendance on the Introduction to MySQL course and the MySQL for Developers I course.Course Description:
This MySQL Developer training course is designed for MySQL Developers who have a good understanding of a MySQL database and experience of using SQL commands. The course provides further practical experience in more advanced MySQL commands and SQL statements including Stored Routines, Triggers and Events.
The delegates will practise:
- Obtaining Database metadata
- Using User Variable Syntax and Properties
- Importing and exporting data from within MySQL
- Importing and exporting data from the command line
- Performing …
Frequently asked questions
There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.
A good working knowledge of MySQL is required. This can be gained by attendance on the Introduction to MySQL course and the MySQL for Developers I course.Course Description:
This MySQL Developer training course is designed for MySQL Developers who have a good understanding of a MySQL database and experience of using SQL commands. The course provides further practical experience in more advanced MySQL commands and SQL statements including Stored Routines, Triggers and Events.
The delegates will practise:
- Obtaining Database metadata
- Using User Variable Syntax and Properties
- Importing and exporting data from within MySQL
- Importing and exporting data from the command line
- Performing complex joins to access multiple tables
- Performing complex subqueries
- Creating, managing and using views
- Using prepared statements
- Creating and using stored routines
- Creating and using triggers
- Creating and using events
- Optimizing queriesThe Event Scheduler
- Working with the main storage engines
- Debugging MySQL applications
This course includes the following modules:
Obtaining Database Metadata
- What is metadata?
- The mysqlshow utility
- The show and describe commands
- Describing tables
- The information_schema
- Listing tables
- Listing columns
- Listing views
- Listing key_columns_usage
- Exercises: Obtaining database metadata
- MySQL error messages
- The show statement
- Show errors
- Show count(*) errors
- Show warnings
- Show count(*) warnings
- Note messages
- The perror utility
- Exercises: Debugging
- Overview of inner joins
- Cartesian product
- Inner joins with original syntax
- Non equi-join
- Using table aliases to avoid name clashes
- Inner Joins With ISO/ANSI Syntax
- Outer Joins
- Left outer joins
- Right outer joins
- Full outer joins
- Updating multiple tables simultaneously
- Updating rows in one table based on a condition in another
- Updating rows in one table reading data from another
- Deleting from multiple tables simultaneously
- Deleting rows in one table based on a condition in another
- Exercises: Coding joins
- Types of subquery
- Multiple-column subqueries
- Correlated subqueries
- Using the ANY, ALL and SOME operators
- Using the EXISTS operator
- Subqueries as scalar expressions
- Inline views
- Converting subqueries to joins
- Using subqueries in updates and deletes
- Exercises: Coding subqueries
- Why views are used
- Creating views
- View creation restrictions
- View algorithms
- Updateable views
- Altering and dropping views
- Displaying information about views
- Privileges for views
- Exercises: Using views
Import and Export
- Exporting using SQL
- Privileges required to export data
- Importing using SQL
- Messages when loading data
- Privileges required to load data
- Exporting from the command line
- Mysqldump main options
- Importing from the command line
- Mysqlimport main options
- Exercises: Importing and exporting
User Variables and Prepared Statements
- Creating User variables
- User variables in a select
- Prepared statements
- The prepare statementThe execute statement
- The deallocate statement
- Exercises: Using variables and prepared statements
Introduction to Stored Routines
- Types of stored routines
- Benefits of stored routines
- Stored routine features
- Differences between procedures and functions
- Introduction to the Block
- Declaring variables and constants
- Assigning values to variables
- Definer rights and invoker rights
- Using SELECT in stored routines
- Altering and Dropping stored routines
- Obtaining stored routine metadata
- Stored routine privileges and execution security
- Exercises: Writing simple stored routines
Stored Routines - Program Logic
- The IF .. THEN .. ELSEIF construct
- The CASE statement
- The basic loop
- The while loop
- The repeat loop
- The iterate statement
- Nested loops
- Exercises: Writing stored routines with program logic
Stored Routines - Exception Handlers & Cursors
- Dealing with errors using Exception handlers
- What is a cursor?
- Cursor operations
- Declaring cursors
- Opening and closing cursors
- Fetching rows
- Status checking
- Exercises: Writing stored routines with program logic
Procedures with Parameters
- Creating procedures with parameters
- Calling Procedures With Parameters
- Exercises: Writing stored routines with parameters
- What is a function?
- The create function statement
- Executing functions
- Executing functions from code
- Executing functions from SQL statements
- The deterministic and sql clauses
- Exercises: Writing functions
- Trigger creation
- Restrictions on triggers
- The create trigger statement
- Using the old and new qualifiers
- Managing triggers
- Destroying triggers
- Required privileges
- Exercises: Writing triggers
The Event Scheduler
- Event scheduler concepts
- Event scheduler configuration
- Creating, altering and dropping events
- Event scheduler monitoring
- Events and privileges
- Exercises: Creating and using events
Basic Optimizations
- Normalisation of data to third normal form
- Using indexes for optimization
- General query enhancement
- Using Explain to analyze queries
- Choosing an INNODB or MYISAM storage enginge
- Exercises: Making use of basic optimizations
More About Indexes
- Indexes and joins
- Exercises: Investigating indexes and joins
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