BTEC Certificate in Business Level 1


BTEC Certificate in Business Level 1

Greenwich Community College
Logo Greenwich Community College

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Starting dates and places

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Business, Retail & Accounting

What does the course include?

The course is an integrated course combining an introduction to business studies, employability skills, Personal and social development and an opportunity to study functional skills in English, Maths and ICT.

The course is tailored to allow you to progress on to the Level 2 Diploma in Business and to improve basic skills to meet employers need.

If you would like to find out more information about this course and speak to the course tutors, please come along to one of our Plumstead Centre Open Days.

What do I need to get on this course?

You will need to complete a numeracy & literacy Initial Assessment at Entry Level 3 or above.


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Frequently asked questions

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Business, Retail & Accounting

What does the course include?

The course is an integrated course combining an introduction to business studies, employability skills, Personal and social development and an opportunity to study functional skills in English, Maths and ICT.

The course is tailored to allow you to progress on to the Level 2 Diploma in Business and to improve basic skills to meet employers need.

If you would like to find out more information about this course and speak to the course tutors, please come along to one of our Plumstead Centre Open Days.

What do I need to get on this course?

You will need to complete a numeracy & literacy Initial Assessment at Entry Level 3 or above.

Yous should also show a willingness to work well and have an interest in the subject.

Where does it lead?

Normal progression in onto the BTEC Diploma in Business-Level2. However, you will need to pass level 1 certificate to be accepted on this programme.

  • There is forecast to be an 11 per cent increase in financial and accounting technician jobs in London between 2012 and 2017.
    Source: EMSI Covered Employment – 2nd Quarter 2010
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There are no frequently asked questions yet. If you have any more questions or need help, contact our customer service.