EC-Council Advanced Penetration Testing (APT)

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EC-Council Advanced Penetration Testing (APT)

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EC-Council Advanced Penetration Testing (APT)

The course will teach you how to perform a professional security test as well as how to produce the next most important thing… the findings and the report!
The ranges progress in difficulty and reflect an enterprise level architecture. There will be defenses to defeat and challenges to overcome. This is not your typical FLAT network! As the range levels increase you will encounter the top defenses of today and learn the latest evasion techniques.
The format you will use has been used to train 1000s of penetration testers globally, it is proven and effective!

– The APT is a Follow-on to the ECSA
– You should have completed the ECSA Practical
– Prepa…

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EC-Council Advanced Penetration Testing (APT)

The course will teach you how to perform a professional security test as well as how to produce the next most important thing… the findings and the report!
The ranges progress in difficulty and reflect an enterprise level architecture. There will be defenses to defeat and challenges to overcome. This is not your typical FLAT network! As the range levels increase you will encounter the top defenses of today and learn the latest evasion techniques.
The format you will use has been used to train 1000s of penetration testers globally, it is proven and effective!

– The APT is a Follow-on to the ECSA
– You should have completed the ECSA Practical
– Prepares you for the LPT Master Certification. Learn More
– Teaches you how to assess targets and escalate privileges.
– You will learn a repeatable and measurable approach to penetration testing


– Penetration Testers
– Network Administrators
– IT Auditors
– Information Security Engineers
– Security Consultants

Package Includes

Official EC-Council Courseware
– 12 Months Online Access, Featuring OnDemand Instructor-Led Classroom Sessions with Full Audio and Video Lectures
– Software Video Demonstrations
– Certificate of Completion

Hybrid Learning is een unieke mix van trainingsmateriaal, video’s en oefeningen die de gebruiker zelfstandig kan toepassen op zijn leervraag. U heeft tot 12 maanden lang toegang tot het online trainingsmateriaal. Zo kunt u de geleerde stof meerdere malen doorlezen en oefenen.


Module One: Introduction to Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing
Module Two: Information Gathering Methodology
Module Three: Scanning and Enumeration
Module Four: Identify Vulnerabilities
Module Five: Exploitation
Module Six: Post Exploitation
Module Seven: Advanced Tips and Techniques
Module Eight: Preparing a Report
Module Nine: Practice Ranges


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Meer informatie

Kijk op onze website voor gedetailleerde lesinhoud, examens en meer details van deze training.

Deze training is ook beschikbaar als

- Maatwerktraining, neem hiervoor contact op met een van onze opleidingsadviseurs.

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