Chichester College
Westgate Fields
West Sussex
PO19 1SB
PO19 1SB West Sussex
Chichester College is a great place to learn. We currently have 15,000 full and part-time students enrolled here. You can see what attracted them to Chichester College by coming to our next Open Evening at Chichester Campus or Brinsbury Campus.
Whether you are just leaving school, continuing to a higher level,returning to education or want to learn purely for fun, we have people who can talk to y…
Chichester College is a great place to learn. We currently have 15,000 full and part-time students enrolled here. You can see what attracted them to Chichester College by coming to our next Open Evening at Chichester Campus or Brinsbury Campus.
Whether you are just leaving school, continuing to a higher level,returning to education or want to learn purely for fun, we have people who can talk to you about your needs and aspirations, and guide you through our excellent facilities. This is your opportunity to look around one of the most popular colleges in the country, talk to the tutors and see why our students chose to come to Chichester.
If you are a parent or guardian wanting to help your son or daughter or ward make an informed choice, we do our best to provide you with all the help you need - visit our Information for Parents page.
Our students tell me that what they like about Chichester College is that it’s a really friendly place, where you are free to be yourself, and you feel that the moment you walk through the door. They say they feel stretched and challenged but also really appreciate the additional support available.
Both our campuses are easy to get to, so you can be green and leave the car at home. The Chichester Campus is less than 5 minutes walk from the train and bus stations and only 5 minutes from the city centre. At the Brinsbury Campus there’s a bus route that brings you to the door!
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As a thank you, Springest will donate £1.- to the Edukans Foundation.
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Submit your review and help others decide. As thanks for your effort we will donate £1.- to the Edukans Foundation.
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