BTEC ICT Certificate / Subsidiary Diploma


BTEC ICT Certificate / Subsidiary Diploma

Aquinas College
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The BTEC ICT course offers a specialist qualification that focuses on particular aspects of employment within the appropriate vocational sector. The qualification is practical in nature, there are no exams and students are required to build a portfolio of evidence to achieve the qualification.

The BTEC Level 3 ICT Certificate is equivalent to one GCE AS Level and one would be studied in one timetable block. You will study 3 units.

The BTEC Level 3 ICT Subsidiary Diploma is equivalent to one GCE A Level and one would be studied in two timetable blocks over one year or one timetabled block over two years. You will study 6 units.

The BTEC is graded at Pass, Merit or Distinction or Distinctio…

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The BTEC ICT course offers a specialist qualification that focuses on particular aspects of employment within the appropriate vocational sector. The qualification is practical in nature, there are no exams and students are required to build a portfolio of evidence to achieve the qualification.

The BTEC Level 3 ICT Certificate is equivalent to one GCE AS Level and one would be studied in one timetable block. You will study 3 units.

The BTEC Level 3 ICT Subsidiary Diploma is equivalent to one GCE A Level and one would be studied in two timetable blocks over one year or one timetabled block over two years. You will study 6 units.

The BTEC is graded at Pass, Merit or Distinction or Distinction* - equivalent to C, B, A and A*

BTEC awards are recognised by most universities as part of your UCAS application.

Course Outline

Unit  1 – Communication and Employability Skills for IT
Learn and develop the skills and knowledge required to be successful in the ICT industry and business in general.

Unit 2 – Computer Systems
Be able to configure and maintain ICT systems from scratch. This includes setting up hardware and software and be able to carry out routine maintenance, checks and repairs.

Unit 3 – Website Production
Be able to understand web architecture and the factors that affect its performance. Be able to design and create interactive websites.

Subsidiary diploma You will study three more units from a range of options available

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