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23 Physical Education Training Courses


AS and A2 Physical Education

Logo Andover College

Level: Level 3 The Sports Department at Andover College boasts a mass of sporting talent and experience in the industry. The A Level progra…


Sport, Health and Physical Education BSc (Hons)

Logo Bangor University

What is this Sport, Health and Physical Education degree about?... This Sport, Health and Physical Education degree is the School's classic…


Sport Science (Physical Education) BSc (Hons)

Logo Bangor University

What is this Sport Science degree (Physical Education) about?... Two key aspects to this Sport Science degree (Physical Education) are the …


Physical Education

Logo University of Cumbria

Key features Employability skills enhanced through varied community engagement projects A range of exciting placement opportunities facilit…



Logo Coleg Cambria

Full Time The syllabus is divided into the following format:- Year 1 (AS Level) Unit G451 An introduction to Physical Education This unit f…


PGCE Secondary Physical Education

Logo Bath Spa University

Opportunities to undertake post-16 enhancement work, with University based sessions on planning, teaching and assessment at post-16. Prospe…


Sport and Exercise Science (BTEC Level 3 Certificate AS Level PE Equivalent)

Logo Birmingham metropolitan college

This course is equivalent to AS Physical Education and attracts the same number of UCAS points. Learners will study three units that will b…


Physical Education and Sports Coaching BA (Hons)

Logo University of Chichester

BA (Hons) Physical Education and Sports Coaching is a 3 year programme designed to provide students with the opportunity to experience and …


BA Physical Education

Logo University of East Anglia

The BA Physical Education degree aims to provide an honours level, multi-disciplinary, applied degree in physical education which integrate…


Physical Education and School Sport – BSc (Honours)

Logo Sheffield Hallam University

This course provides a broad, multidisciplinary study of physical education and school sport. It is an ideal course for those considering a…


Physical Education AS/A Level

Logo West Nottinghamshire College

This A Level takes a contemporary view of PE and sport, focusing on its dynamic development at a local, national and international level. D…


Physical Education AS/A Level

Logo St brendan's sixth form college

Curriculum Area: Humanities Physical Education AS/A Level This is an interesting and broad-based course which aims to develop knowledge, sk…


AS/A2 Physical Education (level 3)

Logo New College Telford

Improve your performance in physical activity (40% practical) Is it for me? The course suits those who enjoy sport, take regular exercise a…


Access to HE PE

Logo Birmingham metropolitan college

This course is an Ascentis recognised Access to Physical Education (Teacher Training) award which gives adults (over 19 years) the opportun…


Sport Science / Physical Education and Another Subject (Joint Hons)

Logo Bangor University

What is this Sport Science / Physical Education and Another Subject Joint Hons about?... You can study Sport Science or Physical Education …