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4 Divination / Tarot / Dream Reading Training Courses

See also: Aromatherapy, Music Therapy, and Colour Therapy / Chromotherapy.

See also: Aromatherapy, Music Therapy, and Colour Therapy / Chromotherapy.


Tarot Master

Logo Elearn UK

"A true Tarot Master needs to have intimate knowledge of the source of tarot, its magic and its mysticism." From ancient wisdoms have sprun…


Dream Analysis - Understanding the Practice

Logo Elearn UK

Sleep is the balm for hurt minds, nature's great second course. Since earliest times man has been convinced that dreams could foretell the …


Tarot & Cartomancy

Logo Elearn UK

My reading is like a giant jig-saw puzzle, I have some pieces, you have some pieces and together we should get a clear and precise picture …


Rune Divination

Logo Elearn UK

It stands to reason that the Runes reveal secrets and should not be taken lightly. Norse mythology informs us that the god, Odin discovered…