Child Care and Education CACHE Award/Certificate/Diploma Level 3


Child Care and Education CACHE Award/Certificate/Diploma Level 3

Hertford Regional College
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This qualification prepares you to work unsupervised, or in a supervisory capacity, with children and their families in a variety of settings and environments within the sector of Children’s Services. Completion of the Diploma will teach you the skills required to become a Child Care Practitioner. You will also spend two days a week in a supervised work placement, which includes schools and nurseries. The qualification is split into three stages, Award, Certificate and Diploma. You will progress through the Award and Certificate to complete the Diploma. You could go then go into employment or to study at Degree level.

Entry Requirements

  • A minimum of 206 GCSE points including Engli…

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Didn't find what you were looking for? See also: Child Care, Healthcare, Social Worker, Maternity, and Social Pedagogy.


This qualification prepares you to work unsupervised, or in a supervisory capacity, with children and their families in a variety of settings and environments within the sector of Children’s Services. Completion of the Diploma will teach you the skills required to become a Child Care Practitioner. You will also spend two days a week in a supervised work placement, which includes schools and nurseries. The qualification is split into three stages, Award, Certificate and Diploma. You will progress through the Award and Certificate to complete the Diploma. You could go then go into employment or to study at Degree level.

Entry Requirements

  • A minimum of 206 GCSE points including English and Maths at Grade C or above.
  • A GCSE Grade C or above is recommended in Science.
  • A successful HRC Disclosure and Barring Services check
  • You must demonstrate suitability to work with children and adults, show empathy and a keen interest in working with and helping others, along with good communication, interpersonal skills and professional qualities associated to a supervisory role.

Applications are welcome from male and female students.

What will I be doing on the course?

The qualification is split into three stages: Award, Certificate and Diploma, with the Award and Certificate building towards the Level 3 Diploma. It is expected that most people will progress through the Award and Certificate to complete the Diploma in order to be able to practice as an early years practitioner.

The units are as follows:


  • Unit 1 An introduction to working with children
  • Unit 2 Development from conception to age 16 years


  • Unit 3 Supporting children
  • Unit 4 Keeping children safe
  • Unit 5 The principles underpinning the role of the practitioner working with children


  • Unit 6 Promoting a healthy environment for children
  • Unit 7 Play and learning in children’s education
  • Unit 8 Caring for children
  • Unit 9 Development of professional skills within children’s education

There will also be an externally assessed research task and three option units.

How will I be assessed?

Assessment of your learning will be judged by a variety of methods, including externally devised assignments, short answer test and a research project which is externally assessed. Students are also assessed on their performance in the workplace.

What will I need?

  • Disclosure and Barring Services check (previously known as Criminal Records Bureau check) - £44
  • Estimated cost of books - £85

What can I do next?

  • This qualification prepares you to work unsupervised, or in a supervisory capacity, with children and their families in a variety of settings and environments within the sector of Children’s Services: schools, nurseries and private childcare settings. Hertford Regional College has an outstanding record of employment for Early Years workers.
  • You may progress to Higher Education in order to study a wide range of subjects at degree level including teaching, nursing and social work. This course has a good record for University acceptance.

Additional Activities

You will also have the opportunity to achieve qualifications in the Key Skills areas of Improving your own learning performance and Employability skills. You can, on your prior achievement, resit GCSE Science (evening class). Students may also undertake First Aid, Basic Food Hygiene and Health and Safety Training. You will have the chance to take part in additional activities such as charity fund raising and exciting trips and visits.

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