Protected Areas Management in Africa

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Protected Areas Management in Africa

Coursera (CC)
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  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: This course is about areas dedicated nature conservation, "protected areas": how they work and why they are so important in maintaining the health of the environment in a fast developing world, and in particular in Africa. It will help you understand the challenges of conservation in Africa and how protected areas can help to deal with it, from the local to the international level. Q: How is is this course organised? A: This course is composed of 7 thematic modules (key concepts, planning, governance, management effectiveness, specificities of management, financing, topical issues) that include videos (introduction, 5 themes, one video on a convention related to PA an…

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When you enroll for courses through Coursera you get to choose for a paid plan or for a free plan

  • Free plan: No certicification and/or audit only. You will have access to all course materials except graded items.
  • Paid plan: Commit to earning a Certificate—it's a trusted, shareable way to showcase your new skills.

About this course: This course is about areas dedicated nature conservation, "protected areas": how they work and why they are so important in maintaining the health of the environment in a fast developing world, and in particular in Africa. It will help you understand the challenges of conservation in Africa and how protected areas can help to deal with it, from the local to the international level. Q: How is is this course organised? A: This course is composed of 7 thematic modules (key concepts, planning, governance, management effectiveness, specificities of management, financing, topical issues) that include videos (introduction, 5 themes, one video on a convention related to PA and conclusion), readings, training quizzes (optional) and exams (one per week - compulsory for the certificate). Q: Who present it? A: Many speakers share their knowledge and field experience during this course coordinated by the four professors: Paul Ndiaye from UCAD in Dakar, Paul Ouedraogo from the secretariat of the Ramsar Convention, Sylvie Goyet who used to work at the International Foundation for the Banc d'Arguin and Geoffroy Mauvais, who from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN-Papaco) and external collaborator at the College of Humanities at EPFL. The MOOC is co-produced by André Hoffmann, IUCN-Papaco and EPFL. Q: Are there prerequisites? A: Whether you are a novice or professional conservationist you can follow this MOOC and decide how deep (optional readings, etc) and fast (5h per week for 7 weeks is only indicative, you may take more or less time according to your experience) you want or need to go. Q: Is this course free? A: The entire course and access to exams, lectures, exercises is completely free. However, note that Coursera offers an online certificate that you must pay to obtain (this is beyond the control of EPFL and IUCN) and regularly make announcements about it. Even if you do not plan on passing this certificate you can still access all the content of the course, take exams, etc. It is also possible to apply for financial help and to receive this certificate for free (   Q: What if I want a certificate/diploma at the end? A: There are two options to receive a certificate and a diploma . 1/ The Coursera certificate . For this you must validate all the online exams and pay the certificate to Coursera (see previous question). Note that is only a certificate based on online evaluation and it does not have as much value and recognition as a real diploma. 2 / The EPFL diploma. To receive this diploma you need to take an onsite exam organised 2 times a year. You do not need to pass online exams to register for the onsite exam. This diploma comes with 2 ECTS (European university credits). EPFL and IUCN are currently working on the creation of a COS (Certificate of Open Studies) composed of several MOOCs, including this one. Only EPFL diplomas and credits will be recognised within this COS (no Coursera certificate). Q: How may I exchange with the other participants of this course? A: A forum will be set up from the beginning of the course to collect questions, comments, criticisms and suggestions. The MOOC also a Facebook group in which all participants can exchange: More questions? Read the Handbook for the MOOC participants:

Created by:  École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  • Taught by:  Paul NDiaye, Professor

    Department of Geography at Université Cheikh-Anta-Diop
  • Taught by:  Geoffroy Mauvais

    EPFL Collège des Humanités - IUCN Papaco
  • Taught by:  Sylvie Goyet, Director

    Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change at the Pacific Community (SPC)
  • Taught by:  Paul Ouédraogo, Conseiller Principal pour l’Afrique

    Secrétariat de la Convention de Ramsar
Commitment 7 weeks (although the course stays open for 12 weeks), 5hours per week Language English, Subtitles: French How To Pass Pass all graded assignments to complete the course. User Ratings 4.8 stars Average User Rating 4.8See what learners said Coursework

Each course is like an interactive textbook, featuring pre-recorded videos, quizzes and projects.

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École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne



Module 1 - Key concepts - Part 1
What are protected areas? How are they distributed? What's their role? What are their particularities? The module convention: the CBD.

8 videos, 1 reading, 2 practice quizzes expand

  1. Reading: Readings module 1
  2. Video: 1.0 General introduction
  3. Video: 1.1 Module 1 outline
  4. Video: 1.2 Importance of protected areas
  5. Video: 1.3 Role of protected areas
  6. Video: 1.4 The definition of protected areas
  7. Practice Quiz: Quiz 1A
  8. Video: 1.5 Categories of protected areas (1)
  9. Video: 1.6 Categories of protected areas (2)
  10. Practice Quiz: Quiz 1B
  11. Video: 1.7 Convention on biological diversity (CBD)


Module 1 - Key concepts - Part 2: Conclusion and exam
Conclusion of module 1 and exam 1 (compulsory for those who wish to apply for an online certificate, recommended yet optional for the others).

1 video, 2 readings expand

  1. Video: 1.8 Conclusion module 1
  2. Reading: Course notes module 1
  3. Reading: Very low resolution videos - Module 1

Graded: Exam 1


Module 2 - Planning - Part 1
Planning of protected areas and networks of protected areas, integrated planning, transboundary protected areas. The convention of the module: the Aïchi targets.

7 videos, 1 reading, 3 practice quizzes expand

  1. Reading: Lectures module 2
  2. Video: 2.1 Introduction
  3. Video: 2.2 Planning of protected areas
  4. Video: 2.3 Planning of protected areas networks
  5. Practice Quiz: Quiz 2A
  6. Video: 2.4 Results monitoring
  7. Practice Quiz: Quiz 2B
  8. Video: 2.5 Land use planning
  9. Video: 2.6 Transboundary protected areas
  10. Practice Quiz: Quiz 2C
  11. Video: 2.7 Aichi targets


Module 2 - Planning - Part 2: Conclusion and exam
Conclusion of module 2 and exam 2 (compulsory for those who wish to apply for an online certificate, recommended for others).

1 video, 2 readings expand

  1. Video: 2.8 Conclusion module 2
  2. Reading: Course notes module 2
  3. Reading: Very low resolution videos - module 2

Graded: Exam 2


Module 3 - Governance
What's governance? What are the 4 types of governance? This module's convention: the Nagoya protocole. Conclusion of module 3 and exam 3 (compulsory for those who wish to apply for an online certificate, recommended for others).

8 videos, 3 readings, 2 practice quizzes expand

  1. Reading: Lectures module 3
  2. Video: 3.1 Introduction
  3. Video: 3.2 Definition of governance
  4. Video: 3.3 Governance by government
  5. Practice Quiz: Quiz 3A
  6. Video: 3.4 Private governance
  7. Video: 3.5 Governance by indigenous peoples and local communities
  8. Video: 3.6 Shared governance
  9. Video: 3.7 The Nagoya protocole
  10. Practice Quiz: Quiz 3B
  11. Video: 3.8 Conclusion module 3
  12. Reading: Course notes module 3
  13. Reading: Very low resolution videos - Module 3

Graded: Exam 3


Module 4 - Management effectiveness - Part 1
Management and effectiveness of PAs. How to assess PAs effectiveness? How to adapt PAs management to enhance their effectiveness? The module's convention: the World Heritage Convention.

7 videos, 1 reading, 2 practice quizzes expand

  1. Reading: Readings module 4
  2. Video: 4.1 Introduction
  3. Video: 4.2 Management effectiveness
  4. Video: 4.3 Surveillance
  5. Practice Quiz: Quiz 4A
  6. Video: 4.4 Ecological monitoring
  7. Video: 4.5 Education and awareness
  8. Video: 4.6 The Green List of protected areas
  9. Practice Quiz: Quiz 4B
  10. Video: 4.7 The World heritage Convention


Module 4 - Management effectiveness - Conclusion and exam
Conclusion of module 4 and exam 4 (compulsory for those who wish to apply for an online certificate, recommended for the others).

1 video, 2 readings expand

  1. Video: 4.8 Conclusion module 4
  2. Reading: Very low resolution videos - Module 4
  3. Reading: Course notes module 4

Graded: Exam 4


Module 5 - Management specificities
Quelques spécificités de gestion des aires protégées en Afrique. La convention du module : la CITES. Conclusion of module 5 and exam 5 (compulsory for those who wish to apply for an online certificate, recommended for the others).

8 videos, 3 readings, 3 practice quizzes expand

  1. Reading: Readings module 5
  2. Video: 5.1 Introduction
  3. Video: 5.2 Culture & nature
  4. Video: 5.3 Capacity building for protected areas management
  5. Video: 5.4 Marine protected areas
  6. Practice Quiz: Quiz 5A
  7. Video: 5.5 Species conservation and the Red List
  8. Video: 5.6 Tourisme dans les zones protégées
  9. Practice Quiz: Quiz 5B
  10. Video: 5.7 The CITES
  11. Practice Quiz: Quiz 5C
  12. Video: 5.8 Conclusion module 5
  13. Reading: Course notes module 5
  14. Reading: Very low definition videos - Module 5

Graded: Exam 5


Module 6 - Financing - Part 1
How to ensure the sustainable financing of protected areas.

4 videos, 1 reading expand

  1. Reading: Readings module 6
  2. Video: 6.1 Introduction
  3. Video: 6.2 Financial planning
  4. Video: 6.3 Protected areas economic values
  5. Video: 6.4 Sources of funding


Module 6 - Financing - Part 2
How to ensure the sustainable financing of protected areas. The module's convention: the CMS. Conclusion of module 6 and exam 6 (compulsory for those who wish to apply for an online certificate, recommended for the others).

4 videos, 2 readings expand

  1. Video: 6.5 Funding mechanisms
  2. Video: 6.6 Compensation & Offsets and financial investment
  3. Video: 6.7 Convention on the conservation of migratory species (CMS)
  4. Video: 6.8 Conclusion module 6
  5. Reading: Course notes module 6
  6. Reading: Very low definition videos - Module 6

Graded: Exam 6


Module 7 - Topical issues related to conservation - Part 1
Topical issues related to conservation in Africa: climate change, connectivity, equity, traffic, etc. The module's convention: the RAMSAR convention.

7 videos, 1 reading, 2 practice quizzes expand

  1. Reading: Readings module 7
  2. Video: 7.1 Introduction
  3. Video: 7.2 Protected areas and climate change
  4. Video: 7.3 Connectivity and buffer zones
  5. Practice Quiz: Quiz 7A
  6. Video: 7.4 Ecological restoration of protected areas
  7. Video: 7.5 Gender & equity
  8. Video: 7.6 Corruption and trafficking of natural resources
  9. Practice Quiz: Quiz 7B
  10. Video: 7.7 The RAMSAR convention


Module 7 - Topical issues related to conservation - Part 2: Conclusion and final exam
Conclusion of the MOOC and final exam (compulsory for those who wish to apply for an online certificate, recommended for the others).

1 video, 2 readings expand

  1. Video: 7.8 Conclusion of the MOOC
  2. Reading: Course notes module 7
  3. Reading: Very low definition videos - Module 7

Graded: Exam 7
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