Self Sufficiency II ASS101
Learn to grow and make food self sufficiently. Understand the techniques is how to be self-sufficient with food. You learn about nutrition and how to balance your diet, as well as how to produce, process, store, and use different types of food. This includes berries, nuts, milk, cheese, eggs, bread making, preserves, & dried food. Cooking, freezing, drying, bottling, making bread, planning a vegetable garden to give produce all year round, and lots more are covered during the ten lessons.Develop an understanding of food requirements, food production, storage and preparation.
Course StructureThis course deals with food; what to eat, how to produce it, how to store it; and how to prepare it. …
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Develop an understanding of food requirements, food production, storage and preparation.
Course StructureThis course deals with food; what to eat, how to produce it, how to store it; and how to prepare it. There are ten lessons in this course, each requiring about 10 hours work. The content of each of the lessons is outlined below:
- Diet & Nutrition - Introduction to good health, basic nutrition, food allergies, food combining, a well balanced diet.
- Establishing a Kitchen Garden - Deciding food plants that can be grown in your garden, designing a productive garden.
- Vegetables - Easy to grow vegetables, long cropping vegetables, culture for specific types of vegetables.
- Fruit - Cultural techniques for different types of fruits & berries, cross pollination
- Bottling - Equipment & techniques for jelly making & bottling.
- Freezing & Drying - Harvesting and preserving techniques including freezing & drying
- Producing Milk & Eggs - Milk from cows, sheep & goats, developing an egg production system, making cheese and yoghurt.
- Growing & Cooking with Herbs - Selection and cultivation of culinary herbs, drying herbs, recipes for cooking with herbs.
- Egg & Cheese Cookery - Storage and use of eggs & cheese, distinguishing different types of cheese, cooking with eggs & cheese.
- Grain - Growing sprouts, cereals, baking bread, etc.
- Explain the importance of good diet and nutrition to good health
- Discuss the potential for increasing self sufficiency by growing your own food in a kitchen garden.
- Describe the potential and appropriate procedures for vegetable growing in your area.
- Describe the potential for fruit growing and appropriate fruit growing procedures for your locality.
- Describethe process of practices like bottling to extend the shelf life of produce.
- Explainthe process of practices like freezing and drying to extend the shelf life of produce.
- Describe the principles of animal production and processing animal products, where someone is seeking to improve dietary self sufficiency.
- Describe growing and cooking with herbs, where someone is seeking to improve dietary self sufficiency.
- Describe the use of eggs and cheese where someone is seeking to improve dietary self sufficiency.
- Describe the use of grains in a situation where someone is seeking to improve dietary self sufficiency.
Visit a local nursery and inspect the food plants which are available in your locality. Talk to the nurseryman and find out what types of food plants will become available at other times of the year.
List those vegetables which you consider would be easiest to grow and give the best production for the effort you would need to put in. Consider such things as produce per unit area, time for maturing, susceptibility to pest and disease
Prepare a list of fruit which you would grow to provide an adequate year round supply for the needs of a family consisting of two adults and two children.List the number of plants which you feel would be needed for type of fruit.
Bottle something which you have never bottled before.Explain step by step the procedure you have followed.Indicate the equipment you have used in your bottling.
List all of those foods which you feel would be worthwhile freezing, which are able to be grown by you on your property
Modern society is an extremely complex thing.It relies completely upon a massive network of interrelationships between the individuals and groups which it composed of.Each part of society supports each other part.To live in such a world usually involves finding a niche for yourself, giving your contribution to the whole machine, and in return the machine supports you.
Modern society has its disadvantages though:
a) It is impersonal ? It only guarantees the material needs of a person.
The impersonal way in which goods and services are provided can increase the likelihood of emotional problems.
b) It does not tolerate anything which does not fit the system. People who deviate from what is considered the \'norm\' are \'labelled\' and rejected by society in the main.
c) Everyone is so dependent on everyone else that they are frequently affected by things they have no control over eg. industrial disputes.
d) If the system collapses, everything collapses. People do not have a broad enough range of skills to survive if thrown into a different situation eg. war, economic collapse, natural catastrophe.
Learn to be self sufficient with your food. You learn about nutrition and how to balance your diet, as well as how to produce, process, store and use all types of food; including berries, nuts, milk, cheese, eggs, bread making, preserves, & dried foods. Cookery, freezing, drying, bottling, making bread, planning a vegetable garden to give produce all year round; and lots more are covered over 10 lessons.
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